Category: Romance and Relationships

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— by Eliza — 2 Kudos


someone hold me close, kiss me and tell me how pretty I am>/// < » Continue Reading

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— by — 2 Kudos

I LOVEEEE my gf.

*sigh* She's just the best in the world.. I have no words to describe it  #WLW #SHESLAPINTHEFACE » Continue Reading

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— by Pintura negra

— by jack papolopovich

big black bitches

any black bitches pull up to 30 brookhaven drive rocky point new york  » Continue Reading

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— by Miiau ٩( > ᴗ < )۶

boyfriend plz

i want the universe to bless me with a bf or gf idgaf i just want love bc thats how it is. im literally just a girl. sigh please give tips on how to make meaningful relationships » Continue Reading

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— by Pintura negra


   La vrd noc como paso pero me enamore perdidamente de ella, no paso mucho tiempo desde q nos conocemos pero estos meses fueron fantásticos, no puedo describir tdas las cosas q siento por ella escribiendo, creería q me expresaría mejor verbalmente. Intentaré describir mis sentimientos, la vrd me pareció, me parece y me » Continue Reading

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— by xXPiercedPrincessXx2 Comments— 4 Kudos

why do men?

Istg men suck, like i cant remember the last time i met a guy who didnt just wanna fuck and leave. honestly where's the getting to know each other, going on cute dates, getting cringy little gifts, or just laying around enjoying each others company. There are maybe 4 sweet guys in my life right now, that being my dad and like 3 of my friends. obviously not all men suck, but got where do the good b... » Continue Reading

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— by ava marié

— by Val


Ik how others romanticise pain, suffering and accidents and find people who have been through that as attractive and i can see if it were a real person most of those people wouldn't care. That's not my case, i want a guy who's been through the worst of the worst, someone who would be loyal simply because the world wouldn't want him, someone in so much pain its a miracle he's alive. I want him to b... » Continue Reading

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— by °★°zeke°★°

no gay man will ever be attracted to me and it makes me so miserable

I'm so tired of being an unshapely meat sack of the wrong sex and not even being able to make it up by being somewhat pretty if there's a god out there after all he hates me so so much I will never be loved earnestly and it makes me nauseous  » Continue Reading

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— by S0ulSt4r (Yaris) — 4 Kudos

A long list of red flags to avoid in a partner

I made this list to protect myself and others because I always end up finding the worst people ever. (This list was made with guys in mind but most if not all also apply to women) Hope this is useful to you guys! Feel free to disagree with this list or comment on other red flags you're aware of: 1. Racist, Homophobic, etc. 2. (Hear me out) People with crappy fashion sense. For example, sweatshirt ... » Continue Reading

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— by Voa

Boyz nd sisterz (2)

Hiya it's me again My bf is jealous bc during breaks I hang out with my classmates nd one of them is a guy, he jealous but I don't understand why like the guy also has a gf and we aren't even close we just talk bc we're classmates?? And the worst thing is the fact that I didn't even find out that he's jealous bc he told me but bc he texted my sister . My sister. And from what I know they text a lo... » Continue Reading

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