How the fuck does cracking jokes with my (5 years younger) brother lead to slight jokes on eachother's account, then our humor not aligning and then arguing about it, then me leaving the convo (it is always me), and then me having an existential crisis I thought I have solved 15 weeks ago. However, perhaps I did not solve it, I have just forgot about thinking too much about it, because it is easie... » Continue Reading
I've been looking for a reason to believe in God for a long time. Believe me, I tried it as much as I can, and even though I begged, it still doesn't matter. I guess that's why my life is so bad? I don't care about this because I don't believe in my faith, I go to all kinds of hell (if there is a place), so I won't look for more and I'm not looking for a reason !! It is best to be a little ignoran... » Continue Reading
I think that modern Christianity is bull. it's made up, harmful, and delusional. 99% of Christians I've spoken to are the epitome of hate, so therefor, I hate Christianity. πΆ π π€ π£ βΆβΆβΆ » Continue Reading
Let’s clear up some MAJOR misconceptions about Satanism. >:/ It’s not all about worshiping some horned dude with a pitchfork. That’s just ONE kind of Satanism, and honestly, it’s not even the most common! :o Satanism is a broad term that includes different philosophies and beliefs. Some people follow Theistic Satanism , which DOES involve worshiping Satan as a deity. BUT!!! There’s also Modern Sat... » Continue Reading
Idk where I am going with this but I will just be stating some things I believe, and maybe elaborating on them. Everything is subject to change. Information should be free Everything should be user-repairable Fish are really cute Hot takes: CDs > Vinyl Side windows on PCs are not only overplayed but should be considerably less common than not having a window, even on computer enthusiast's PCs Sho... » Continue Reading
I have been gooning to Akane Satomura (my long-time waifu) for about seven hours now. Every hour, I load up my copy of ONE Kagayaku Kisetsu e and immediately go to Akane's gallery of CGs and start going ham . I know there are only three or so explicit CGs, but I just can't help myself. I have to goon to all of them until I feel numb. It's what Akane would want. All of my fingers are purple and swo... » Continue Reading
Do you peoples ever write like a really deep, or poetic message to your friends, and realize: "Wow. This should've gone in my journal."? Because I feel that way a lot. Some of my most hard-hitting entries are written outside of my journal. My most emotionally-driven entries at least. I've been loving my journal a lot lately. If there was solely one part of my life you could remember me by, I'd alm... » Continue Reading