HI SPACEHEY! I created a survey for all you Spaceheyians who are curious about the community here! You're welcome to participate if you'd like—or not, it's totally up to you. I’m planning to write a follow-up blog showcasing the stats and highlighting some interesting insights. But for that to happen, I’ll need a good number of responses! So, if you’ve got a few » Continue Reading
i keep seeing the same blinkies in every collection so i made one with rarer finds how to add them to your profile: right click the one you want, "open image in new tab", copy the url of that and insert it » Continue Reading
Hiiiiie angels!!! Sooo if you saw my bulletin last night, you already KNOW what this is about! I asked if I should post my lil 3 AM photoshoot and my lovely spacehey friendzies said yes. So obviously I had to deliver!! Honestly getting dressed up and having an impulsive photoshoot on a random night is one of my favorite things ever. Like what’s more iconic » Continue Reading
reposting cuz i fucked up the links oops but here are some photos that i took during my winter break ! first four are from my canon r100 & the rest are from my film camera. im new to photography im still getting the hang of it :] i have way more photos but they have my face in them, maybe ill post em one day casino good things c » Continue Reading
thnx so much for all the comments and support on the first entry!! ^^ Means a lot, and it was great seeing people enjoy it Anyway, here are the next couple of pages of the Comic. I finished chapter 1, which is already uploaded on the Neocities site, but I don't want to post everything all at once on Spacehey. #fall { width: 100%; } img { width: 85%; display: block; margin-left » Continue Reading
so basically im awesome and cool > I have awesome music taste > i dont go outside so i'll never leave you on delivered > i use my PC alot so vcing and gaming is always on the table > im weird > uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im sigma idk what else to put here add me » Continue Reading
1. http://kaoani.ikilote.net/english What else can I say, but KAWAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! 2. http://www.am-i-dumb.com Me? Probably. See how you rate, or try one of the other online tests in the links at the top. You might even discover that you're a super genius worth eleventy-million dollars! 3. » Continue Reading
HIHIHIIHIHIHI I just finished making my profile here... this is technically an alt account but I'm act a little different here because I'm just messing around lmaoaoao anyways if ur cool and alt dm me immediately » Continue Reading