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Top Blog Entries
— by An — 617 Comments— 2323 Kudos
SpaceHey turns four! 🎁
Category: SpaceHey
SpaceHey is turning four years old!! 🥳 It's crazy how fast time passes when you're having fun building something like SpaceHey! I can't imagine that it was four (!!) years ago when I launched the very first version of SpaceHey! I've spent the past year mainly working on improving the existing features and fixing bugs on SpaceHey while also juggling university life. The coming year will be a busy o... » Continue Reading
— by Lexi — 45 Comments— 122 Kudos
My Gyaru Wardrobe! あたしのギャルクローゼット
Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
Hello welcome to the first post on my blog! やっほぉぉ、最初のブログポストへよこそう! This is only a fraction of my closet as a whole, I have way more non gyaru stuff. これは全部クローゼットではなく、ギャル服だけです^^ » Continue Reading
— by iloveuverym — 7 Comments— 18 Kudos
— by eni — 20 Comments— 23 Kudos
does anyone here use escargot??
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
i've recently made an escargot account and its amazing! :]] it feels less bloated than discord and it fits really nicely on my computer which i themed to look more like windows 7 heheh does anyone else have an escargot account?? it sucks seeing my messenger tab empty and it feels pretty lonely :p id love to chat!! my escargot: if youre interested!! :]] » Continue Reading
— by anti★thesis (( elmo/kad )) — 27 Comments— 73 Kudos
MY DIGITAL ART BLOG (( almost everything all at once , like a recap for me ? )) (( tw: blood ))
Category: Art and Photography
HELLO GUYS THIS IS LITERALLY MY FIRST EVER BLOG !!!! this is an art dump so if u dont like long blogs u can not check this but i appreciate the kudos n comments ^_^ !! also, ull notice a watermark on the bottom of the drawing (( i cropped it out from the drawings i can )) , its from the website i use to draw ,, my limitations r a bit complicated but i draw lol ill start off w my older art from lik... » Continue Reading
— by Alexiss — 4 Comments— 69 Kudos
— by $ — 7 Comments— 32 Kudos
websites to go on when ur bored af
Category: Games
1. [ ] match the arrestee to the alleged crime/weapon/nickname, a pretty fun and entertaining game 2. [ pocket emo ] [content warning] create ur very own emo, you can feed him, name him » Continue Reading
— by alex !! 💫🦈 — 9 Comments— 36 Kudos
— by ☭ NerdyGothGeek420 (They/Them) — 8 Comments— 15 Kudos
Category: Blogging
Just how severely was I masking? When I finally realized I was autistic in 2022, the mask came off. Since then, i've lost a lot of people - some that I literally would never have expected... for whatever reason we just did not mesh anymore. In many ways, it's freeing and has made sense of many past memories but in others, there's new challenges. Some say I am a completely different person and oth... » Continue Reading
— by lucjan — 3 Comments— 8 Kudos
Category: Romance and Relationships
im so tired of being single omfg, anyone need a cringy emo/skater bf? you can find pretty much everything about me on my profile, im bored » Continue Reading
— by seddori — 4 Comments— 52 Kudos
Flowers in Art
Category: Art and Photography
Floral symbolism has long been a source of inspiration for artists. For example, in Ancient Egypt, the sacred lotus, a symbol of resurre » Continue Reading
— by Kait — 14 Comments— 54 Kudos
MacBook pics and meltdowns
Category: Blogging
I went home for my college lunch break and just completely remembered that Spacehey has a blog section and making them is like the most fun thing ever so obviously I had to jump on here and overshare what’s happening in my life. SO this week I genuinely thought I had cracked the sleep system. Like I was fully convince » Continue Reading