Category: Blogging

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— by ℤ𝕠𝕖 𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕜 — 10 Kudos

Secret Share Replies!

gives yu... a flower...... » Continue Reading

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— by ⭐️VickyAlienBoy⭐️4 Comments— 5 Kudos

⭐️🩷💚🦴Vicky's Introduction Post💚🩷🦴⭐️

                                                             🦴Hello! I'm Vicky/Vic and my pronouns are he/they🦴 I'm 17 and my pfp is infact me!!! My fav colors are pink and green.. if you can't tell lmao, I LOVE YAP » Continue Reading

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— by ꕀ 🍷✂ Toko // Osamu ★꒱2 Comments— 21 Kudos

Absolutely AWESOME SAUCE Discord Server Advertisement ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و

Are YOU looking for a Discord server to match your freak ?! Well then I have the perfect one ! Join Towa City today and have the time of your life !! Towa City is a proshi » Continue Reading

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— by ⭐️VickyAlienBoy⭐️2 Comments— 10 Kudos

🦴🩷💚Vicky's Collection Post!💚🩷🦴 LPS AND MORE!!

Hello!! I'm Vicky and these are a few of my collections!! X3 most were gifts or just things I've been collecting since childhood feel free to ask questions and stuff about it I love talking about my collections :3  p { color: white; text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px pink; } .blog-entry .title { font-size: 40px; color: white; text-spacing: normal; text-shadow: 2px 1px 10px pink; } body{ background-image:url... » Continue Reading

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— by DivaOfSelfDestruction7 Comments— 6 Kudos

This generation might actually be fucking slow….

I remember I was talking to my group of friends and idk what we were saying but I kept saying someone was “intelligent” and this girl fucking asked me “why do u keep using big words?” I deadass had to repeat my sentence with “smart” instead.💀 The limited vocabulary on some people is astonishing. Another time was in class where we were supposed to find words to describe sumn with a lack of emotion.... » Continue Reading

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— by lugosi 𓋹4 Comments— 2 Kudos

Pedos & Pervs - Ghost. (updated!)

Ghost is a bisexual man who hits on and sexually harasses a wide variety of people - including lesbians. He is fully convinced that I’m sensitive because I refuse to cheat on my partner, especially with some stranger on the internet with a masturb@tion addiction. He has also messaged someone called Lucy, threatening to cut himself and then saying that they’ve “nutted to a picture of [her]” » Continue Reading

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— by ⭐️VickyAlienBoy⭐️1 Comment— 20 Kudos

💚🩷🦴The issue with negative blogs - lets talk about it🩷💚🦴

I've noticed that alot of people are getting upset over the fact that people keep talking about the drama in top entries, and honestly we will all have different reactions to everything it may be really annoying to have it seemingly be mentioned again and again but we are all human and will talk about things that upset us. It can be very hard to be somewhere when there's alot of negativity and dra... » Continue Reading

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— by user2384 𖤐

— by ⋆𐙚₊Alyssa⊹♡3 Comments— 2 Kudos

my stamp collection!!

i will be adding more as time goes on :3 this is js for anyone who wants some stamps and they wont save on my profile soo here! there is more on my profile tho!! its also very messy but im too lazy to fix it » Continue Reading

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— by Gerard or Calvin1 Comment— 1 Kudos

Hello! This is Gerard / Calvin,,,

Yes some of you guys who have been on this site for at least 5 months should know me,, for being tcc, and I just wanna explain some things if that's fine with you :[ I just want to explain everything that I've done and why I am the way I am » Continue Reading

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— by DivaOfSelfDestruction2 Comments

I feel like I scare people away…🙁

This is kinda similar to my “I think I’m having my mentally ill dog gender moment” blog. I get so many friend requests but it’s like… Just from ppl w no blog entries. And if they do, I usually fall into their dni list..😭😭 Most people just add me bc my profile looks cool. But I’m scared if I add them back and they start interacting w me they’ll get iffy bc they might check my blogs and see my hot t... » Continue Reading

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— by Gerard or Calvin3 Comments— 4 Kudos

My explanation

So as most of everyone should know I was in the tcc (true crime community), and you guys probably saw me as inhuman, a disgusting human being, I mean I was sent death threats, and I just wanna tell you guys why, so I guess this is like a rant and vent? So I've been interested in crime since I was 7, I saw my first g0r3 image at 7. And that was something, and you know, as I got older I developed so... » Continue Reading

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