— by diunfunz (pegger) — 4 Comments— 36 Kudos
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Category: SpaceHey
Top Blog Entries
— by 𝔰𝔭𝔶𝔡𝔢𝔯 — 15 Kudos
let's have a chat!!
alright, so i found myself scrolling the top blogs this morning, and i saw that one really...disturbing one. and i thought we should have a little fireside chat about this. also comments will be turned off as this is not up for debate or discussion. the advocacy of paraphilias have skyrocketed over the years, and we seem to find ourselves among them on the clear net, just about everywhere you go. ... » Continue Reading
— by SpaceHey User Confessions! — 1 Comment— 25 Kudos
RULES FOR SUBMITTING A CONFESSION! 1. Do NOT send intentionally creepy confessions about other users. 2. Do NOT send any illegal content through confessions. 3. Do NOT send any highly problematic confessions (e.g. "h*tl*r was right") IF YOUR CONFESSION IS IN VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE CONFESSION RULES AND/OR THE SPACEHEY TOS THEY WILL NOT BE POSTED! p.s. there is a human behind this » Continue Reading
— by camii★ — 7 Comments— 20 Kudos
— by aria — SANE version3 Comments— 32 Kudos
The banning system sucks
Sooo I can't be the only one that thinks the banning system on here sucks actual ass. Like you're telling me there's NO warnings and you just get instantly banned, your account becomes inaccessible to others, and it's almost impossible to get it back (you CAN email spacehey support, but thats a 99% chance they won't reply) It's especially bad because this is a social platform, that people use to c... » Continue Reading
— by ❥ antwke — 2 Comments— 14 Kudos
I'm starting to really dislike this website's community
You might remember me from the SpaceHey survey I ran a while back and be wondering where the update is. Well, there won’t be one. I actually finished the blog, but I don’t think it’s worth posting—there’s just no point. I had to discard over half » Continue Reading
— by TheStrangestOfMen — 8 Kudos
\(⌒▽⌒) Here yall go: https://symbl.cc/en/kaomoji/ Theres other 𝕱𝖀𝕹 stuff on there, dont thank me! ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡ » Continue Reading
— by ЯIR
DNI (Do Not Interact)
DNI... If you are anti-endogenic. I have respect for all my endogenic homies 🗣️ If you perpetuate site drama. Please for the love of god at least have clear evidence of your claims! Mere word of mouth is not trustworthy. I have seen my friends reputations ruined over false allegations that people didn't care enough to fact check. If you are a bigot. And yes, you can be a bigot even if you are libe... » Continue Reading
— by tudor.mp4 — 3 Comments— 12 Kudos
Rant about Spacehey
Back when I was younger, several years ago, when I found about the idea of Myspace, I liked it from the first second. Unfortunately at that time, Myspace was a dead platform for many years. I always liked the idea of old social media and old internet, because it felt different, it felt like people were really connected, unlike today, when social media is mostly dead, even if there's millions of us... » Continue Reading
— by sock
sources/credits for my stamps, blinkies etc.
gonna update as i add more! background gif: https://tenor.com/nDITsUsBYGV.gif stamps: » Continue Reading
— by xX.gruesome_gwen.Xx — 5 Comments— 12 Kudos
recent digi pics !1 also updated pics of my room!!
my non emo hair :3 very wavy a kind of mean one here heh heh pink Linkin park fit ft. my emo hair (idk why my eyes look so blue holy moly) super messy hair heheh » Continue Reading
— by nicole ༺♡༻ — 6 Comments— 2 Kudos
this app is turning into a really dark place
why are there weirdos who can just express their sick thoughts without any repercussions,like defending ped0s… this app is really turning into 4chan istg » Continue Reading