Category: Jobs, Work, Careers

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— by Bezz1 Comment— 6 Kudos


I love overpopulation. Let's raise the population so we can have more apartment buildings and more 9–5 workers. They would greatly benefit society. Every baby born is another factory worker AND A WIN FOR CAPITALISM!!! » Continue Reading

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— by CandyTkk2 Comments


I am 18 years old and i have never had a real job. When i was in highschool i focused on getting good grades so that i could get a good job and i passed all my subjects, i also took some good extracurriculars. i left school almost 2 years ago now and have been looking for a job ever since. in the meantime i have been filling my cv with experience from my volunteer work. my mum thinks that i am jus... » Continue Reading

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— by phi — 1 Kudos

July 13, 2024 - Dear diary, this job is eating at me

body { font-family: "MS UI Gothic", nec_apc3, Verdana, sans-serif; text-shadow: 0 0 2px white, 0 0 6px #1ae1f0; text-align: left; padding: 0px; /* Adjust padding as needed - originally 20px*/ margin-bottom: 0px; /*originally 0px */ cursor: url(''),auto; background-color: rgb(46, 203, 255); /* Set background color */ color: white; /* Set font color */ overflow-x: ... » Continue Reading

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— by andrew covell

Most of us are not paid what we're worth

Now I'm not advocating for a higher min wage in fact, quite the opposite! that said, I was doing math earlier today and found that most of us don't even make a full penny for a seconds worth of our time. How do I know? We'll 1×60=60 0.60x60=36 Argo to be paid a penny per second is 36 dollars per hour. Do with this information what you will. » Continue Reading

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— by Ao Oni — 2 Kudos

Another day another waste of my time

I chased off a few of them, some guy found my library key and I had to chase him off, After this I think I hear him draining my bathtub, *sigh* I was going to take a bath but Can't fucking do that now. He even took my damn soap from my other bathroom. » Continue Reading

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— by phi

July 15, 2024 - helppp me

So i take the 852AM go train from bramalea to etobicoke north (most worst station ever, who designed that thing i dont even know) i swear the payroll from my $800 have been distributed and used up for my commute expenses and my answers for my grade 12 math assignments for nursing, like where is the fun??? where do i get my own stuff?? when do i get my own stuff? cant i get my own stuff? like i wan... » Continue Reading

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— by π—¬π—Όπ˜€π—΅π—Άπ—»π—Όπ—―π—»π—»π˜† — 4 Kudos

Guess I found a good job

Today I found a website that pays very well. It's called Peopleperhour. I was needing to find someone who would need my services, such as translation, ghost writing, editing, and others. I have to wait 7 days until they approve my account and then, I can finally work at home. Hope I get some money, I really need it. I have a big dream. I wanna study Literature on Oxford University. I live in Brazi... » Continue Reading

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— by Ao Oni — 1 Kudos

Damn he's fast

He got away from me after the piano incident, found my key so I tried waiting for him in the tatami room, but he got away there too. *sigh* He cut up my fucking wall (that's expensive to get repaired btw) Anyway I thought I would get him after he tried to get my basement key but the guy locked the door on me like are you kidding me?? Anyway rn I'm heading upstairs I think I hear the girl one in th... » Continue Reading

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— by RubberIndustry


RubberIndustry's, my Idea started with Rubebr of course. After that i wanted to build up a Entertainment sort of thing Called Rubber, i felt This will be my Primary page for Links and Updates! » Continue Reading

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— by Ao Oni

More work today jesus

I was just walking around trying to find these 4 idiots when I hear him unscrewing my goddamn door handle for my fake door all the way upstairs, I heard him move one of my fucking beds too (do you know how hard it is for me to keep my manor neat god), anyway I see this guy just staring at the numbers on the piano keys think I'm gonna scare him lol. » Continue Reading

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— by Ax1 </31 Comment— 2 Kudos

— by Ao Oni

Just saw these 4 high schoolers break into my house

Ugh another day another break in, These 4 stupid High schoolers just broke into my damn house. I think I'll have to teach them a lesson... FUCK I just dropped my damn plate... I'll be back on later I gotta deal with this rn... I hope they can't solve my puzzles, I really like to keep all the items in my manor in order. » Continue Reading

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