I'm so tired of this. In the span of a few months, three... interesting people (very clearly a lot older than me) added and messaged me. Everything was fine at first, I was being polite and replying to them, trying to have a nice chat, but they were strangely obsessed with me. One of them begged me for my discord and kept texting me good morning and goodnight, gett ing mad if I didn't reply to his... » Continue Reading
The account got suspended, so repost! Link to archived blog on wayback machine (if you don't feel like putting it in, just scroll through the screenshots, it's at the very end of this entry): https://web.archive.org/web/20250324172339/https://blog.spacehey.com/entry?id=1478764 If it doesn't work just search: https://blog.spacehey.com/entry?id=1478764 in the way back machine, should pop up. I will ... » Continue Reading
Hi, serious subject guys or whoever is taking the time to read this but, my 13 year old transgender friend was groomed on vr and discord. me myself, I don't have a vr, and I personally don't want one for this exact reasoning. But that is besides the point, scroll down to see the screanshot I have of me texting the person, (who I now blocked btw..) I texted him about it and protested that he wasn'... » Continue Reading
bugs are so fucking scary to me dude i hate them sometimes, when i'm watching tiktok or reels, i get jumpscared by some bug and i audibly scream and throw my phone. it's happened an embarrassing number of times. AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON COCKROACHES!!! one time, i was truck driving with my dad and there was a fuckin ROACH on my side of the window. dude... i literally unbuckled my seatbelt m... » Continue Reading
I was just binge watching V ereena Sayed yesterday and then had the sudden urge to change my whole looks in one day but as I couldn't do it yesterday (it was midnight) so i woke up today morning and decided to work on the thing I wanted yesterday and that is CHANGING MY LOOKS!! » Continue Reading
Yes this contains details about SA, child molestation, etc. when i say paraphiliacs i mean people with PARAPHILIA DISORDER thanks! just had 2 shorten it cuz im tired asf Lets start off with a quote from Lolita by Nabokov. Page 88. Our main character, a "nymphet, girl child" loving grown man says: "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the majority of sex offenders that hanker for some throbbing, swe... » Continue Reading
i will never understand why people gatekeep stuff. i mean, i guess there's the exclusivity of liking a certain piece of media with a small fandom or whatever, but don't you like sharing things? i love sharing things, ESPECIALLY with my friends. it might be because i'm a very sentimental person, but i love sharing my interests with my friends. art is something that means so much to me, so, whenever... » Continue Reading
oh my god man... im so cooked for tomorrow. my math teacher gonna beat my meat... WOAH! im just kidding. shes actualy just gonna beat me up. now that ive skipped school the first time in this semester, i completely screwed up my homework schedule. aw man im too lazy to do math exercises but my math teacher's so nice to me. one time, i didnt do the homework and she made me run on the basketball co... » Continue Reading
This kinda awkward but after external advice and like self reflection I realize I probs should NOT be posting these thoughts I have been for the past idk how long just keep it to myself but it in a journal or smth cuz like this is not a private website😭 Eventually imma go back through all the posts and delete/private them (probably delete tbh) but the blog I might still use just for like my though... » Continue Reading