— by iloveuverym — 4 Comments— 11 Kudos
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Category: Life
Top Blog Entries
— by James
Spray Tanning for Red Carpet Events: Celebrity Tips for a Flawless Glow
When you think of the red carpet, what comes to mind? Sparkling couture gowns, dazzling jewels, and of course, that picture-perfect, sun-kissed glow. But let’s get real—celebrit » Continue Reading
— by Cindy — 4 Comments— 9 Kudos
First Blog Post!
I'm making a test blog post. I love it here - just like the good 'ole days (circa 1990s internet). I think this will be my preferred social media now. Glad to see a few of you here so far! And special thanks to Lodane for finding this gem and telling us about it! And just to test the photo capabilities of the blogging feature - I'm including a picture of some taxidermied raccoons partying it up at... » Continue Reading
— by AmmyΰΎΰ½² — 4 Comments— 6 Kudos
I'm i just a object?
Honestly, I don't even think anyone would actually "love" me. Yeah, boys in my schools know me as a "s1ut" and why? cuz I have big b00bs, yea ofc it sounds disgusting but TRUST ME, it hurts, it really hurts, knowing the fact guys only know me for my body, I have a good persona, but guess what? it doesn't matter to them, they js know me as a "hot body' or "s1ut" and I hate it. I js want to be truly... » Continue Reading
— by kit >-< — 4 Comments— 2 Kudos
about to drink a whole bottle of nyquil and hope it takes me out before i do it myself im just like so tired and have a shit ton of homework i just wanna jerk off then end my life » Continue Reading
— by ππͺπ·ππ²ππΈπ»π· — 5 Comments— 6 Kudos
About me!! Cuz erm idk
Name: James Age: 15 Country: America Religious beliefs: satanist Politics: ANARCHY!!!!!! Pronouns: he/him and they/them Sexuality: pan or gay idk Things I like Fav colour: red, black, pink, orange, green Fav food: pizza and greek gyros Fav drink: monster and mtn dew Fav animal: Bat My pets: two chinchillas (Pepe and gir) And a golden retriever (Goldy) » Continue Reading
— by Enamerus — 1 Comment— 3 Kudos
On Abortion
I'd like to preface this with a disclaimer: These are my opinions, which as such, I do not wish to "force" on anybody. I read a blog post by a user who's name I cannot write or pronounce , which seems to have gotten popular on the blogs section. It had me thinking, and since they felt strongly enough about the i » Continue Reading
— by Alexa οΈ — 5 Comments— 9 Kudos
I hate "SHTWT" "EDTWT" etc, if you are struggling DONT ENGAGE WITH THOSE CIRCLES
I fucking hate those twt circles and people who glamorize self harm and disorders and all this shit. Its so fucking weird and your only making it worse for yourself you arent cool you arent funny you arent some mysterious fucking puppy girl YOUR SOMEONE WHO IS REFUSING TO GET BETTER I say this as someone who struggled with both ED and SH Going into circles like that just makes things worse, it m... » Continue Reading
— by yaran — 2 Comments— 4 Kudos
so no hawk tuah??
chat i have a horrible problem and because of it i SUFFERRRRR its literally all my own doing but im going to complain anyway because its devastating social anxiety kills me im genuinely going crazy im about to start ripping my hair out its like, i have 454 friends on here right im terrified of looking like a friend collector the reality is that i only add people that i think are really cool and be... » Continue Reading
— by 5starslikegta — 2 Comments— 9 Kudos
Entry #55
it gets more and more difficult everyday to think of reasons to keep living. i dont even know what my current reason is. i guess i just cannot bring myself to do such a selfish thing. theres nothing wrong with my life. i have friends, i have a boyfriend, i have parents, what else do i ask for? it just feels like im living a lie everyday. my mom said shes gonna quit drinking and only drink on holid... » Continue Reading
— by kharon (system) — 2 Comments
sys stuff / alter list
hello! we have DID and are a system ^-^ at the moment we don’t really have a name for our sys, but we’re working on it !! » Continue Reading
— by sonder_chan — 3 Comments— 5 Kudos