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Category: Life
Top Blog Entries
— by kit >-< — 1 Comment— 4 Kudos
cool people turned boring
sigh i hate when people are like so cool or trans or gay in like 2023 or some past year then you fucking check up on how they are now and theyre just assholes, like people who say them being trans was just to stay on with trends like that just fucking means ur weird 4 that and they act like that was what everyone did and everyone was alternative just 4 the trends then i wanna call them posers but ... » Continue Reading
— by rostik/ростик — 7 Kudos
— by VioletRiot<3 — 2 Comments
Hello! <3
Greetings & Salutations my fellow weirdos! I'm new here and trying to get use to this app/website. I don't know what to post here but I'll figure it out. I'll put my other socials soon but I just want to make sure this is a safe place and I won't be expecting creeps. If there are then I won't put any of my other socials. Anyways, hopefully everyone has a good evening. » Continue Reading
— by ontonerd — 4 Kudos
Meeting my childhood trauma
*cringe post, read with caution* (This is kinda outdated by now, but I'll let it stay) I just thought I'd write down some of my thougts somewhere. Anyone will be able see them, but I still mainly want to collect these for myself. I didn't think I'd ever try this, but here I am. So.. within the past few years I've come to realise that I'm a troubled individual in some regards and it's been an inte... » Continue Reading
— by Here at Renegade Garden — 2 Comments— 2 Kudos
Hello guys I'm visiting my rapist cousin
tw rape Hello people! First time chiming in here, I don't really know how spacehey works yet, so expect me to be dumb lol. Anyways, to get to the point. My cousin nearly raped me and EXTREMELY explicitly texted with me when I was 14 (she was 16 at that time), so yeah it's not much, but severely affected my life. At the end of this September I decided to bring this up to her and talk about it with ... » Continue Reading
— by sayori !! — 4 Kudos
current hyperfixations !
1. cars movies 2. needy streamer overload 3. sonic 4. mlp » Continue Reading
question (ofc)
are there any super non judgemental forums/sites/etc to ask for advice where people actually answer? (please not a discord server i like making my own post instead of feel like im invading a chat i wasnt invited to) i have so many questions that cant be answered by google but i dont want to keep asking here i feel so annoying and when i ask twt i get no response + ppl on quora (in my experience) ... » Continue Reading
— by ══╬ 𓂃 ❛ j.onah / c.urly — 3 Comments— 4 Kudos
first blog entry.... kinda nervous... heh
penis licking activated!!!! whats good my little freakazoinklilicous dicklickers tip touching at 5pm..... » Continue Reading
— by ✰ P☢︎WDER!!ღ♩♪ — 2 Comments— 1 Kudos
Kin List !!!
I dont take kinning super seriously !! these r just characters I relate to a lot, I see kinning as a way to express myself & get to know myself nd others I do not literally see myself as these charactrs1! Names in bold are my top kins// Characters I relate to ona deep level,, I'm a little more 'intense' abt them. » Continue Reading
— by ontonerd — 4 Kudos
Who am I?
Many times I've tried to define myself through our conventional means of language, but it seems as though using words such as "smart/stupid", "pretty/ugly" and so on, doesn't satisfy my sense of self. One of the biggest problems I have with using language like that, is that I don't really see a good way to make it work. Let's say you think you're smart. Based on what? Because during your interact... » Continue Reading
— by 𝕊𝕡𝟘𝕚𝕝𝕖𝕕ℙ𝟛𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕫 — 1 Comment
Why is it so hard for people to not like children??
https://ca.pinterest.com/pin/939774647245170908/ » Continue Reading