idk but i want to start collecting monster high and cds too. i want vkei cds and cds with tommy february6 music and i want cigs after sex cds or something like this too, ohh and lana cds too maybe i want to make my own cds, but idk how to do it. im gonna watch some tutorials » Continue Reading
okay first day on here but i REALLY want to list down the shit i tell myself when I'm feeling super low or something major happens: 1. i need to focus on watering my own grass and stop caring that other's are greener 2. you need to make space for new things by getting rid of the things that don't make you happy anymore 3. sometimes you just need to pack your shit up and leave. 4. what will happen... » Continue Reading
Okay so I live in the Bay Area and I grew up absolutely addicted to boba and art, and I'm thinking what if I combined the two of them...a boba art cafe that is also an art studio! Ideas: Student artwork is displayed on the walls for colorful decoration of the cafe It is third-space friendly (charging ports for laptops and phones and tables with board » Continue Reading
Soo much happened this week. I got to participate in my 1st sorority event! It was a cooking competition. We were put in groups of 2 and the girl I was with was Soo sweet! We did pretty good given that we horrible ingredients. But they loved our appetizers! It was so much fun. I got to know the girls even more. They are all so different and yet the same at the same time. I'm so lucky to be surrou... » Continue Reading
Recently ive been thinking about my future more.. well.. soon ill have to begin my adult life but it seems so depressing!! Really? Im supposed to pay for a small house and go to work everyday? Hell naw. So i though i could have an online job and live in a camper. That would be an amazing life. I could be alone everyday and occasionally go wherever i want :D Of course, there are many many difficult... » Continue Reading
so bc skool iz evil and dumbdumbstupid im stuck doing mandatory therapy with tha hospital partnered w tha school which iz liek . really fucking dumb itz been over a year since my dad panicked at tha mere thought of the fact that i do nawt enjoy living anymore--a situation that iz hiz own fault, that he haz nawt taken actual stepz 2 change--so idk y i even hav 2 do thiz anymore . but swagever nawt ... » Continue Reading
From today on, for next 2 weeks I will try my best to have a healthier life and i will post daily updates here. So I am cutting doen on sugary things or basically all unhealthy food, i,m gonna sleep 8/9 hours a day, i will hydrate myself and do some skincare, also i will care for my body and looks so fingers crossed and wish me luck!! » Continue Reading
so updates! this has always been what was missing from my old blogs. id write one entry and then ghost, but not this time! so life updates! i have been trying to get a government job for about 1 year now. its normal for the process to take that long (or longer) but unfortunately i picked the worst time ever with all this political uncertainty. ironically enough, just as i had made peace with stic... » Continue Reading
Well, Well. After 11 Years, I started a SubscribeStar Account. Carol the Cat has a SubscribeStar Now because I have No Funds. The SubscribeStar Tiers are Kitten, Adolescent Cat, and Fully Grown Cat. Kitten Tier is $5.00 Adolescent Cat Tier is $10.00 Fully Grown Cat Tier is $15.00 Kitten Tier costs $5.00 that means. You can Access Sketches and Rough Sketches. » Continue Reading