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Category: Games
Top Blog Entries
— by ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭*”
i love hajime hinata!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love his stupid hair!!!!!!1 i need to roll him with a rolling pin and turn him to dough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!11!!!!!!!! He is so cutie patootie like bro’s the ultimate cutie patootie!!!!!!!!!!2!!!!!!! I need to squish and see him make a squeaky noise!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to bite him!!!!!!!1 he is like a rabbit!!!!!!!!! He’s a chocolate milkshake!!!!!! He is ... » Continue Reading
— by Trixie ^_^
— by Zopandrel — 3 Kudos
Persona 3 Reload Review
Holy Crap! This game is SO FRIGGIN AWESOME , so awesome that i'm going to split my reviews into seperate parts! GAMEPLAY The gameplay is as tight as any RPG should be with "Personas", Weapons, Armor, and Accessories changing the character's stats an » Continue Reading
— by goobert1997 — 1 Comment— 1 Kudos
— by popcorn
uh first post ig
just wanna say hi ive never really made any sort of blogs n stuff but who knows maybe i start to like it!!11! idk what to write, but u can check out my profile if you wish, im lowkey sad it didnt have a section about games, but i can list some of my favorite games in this post, so here we go. i like rhythm games. i was obsessed with piano tiles back in 2015 and now ive moved on to osu and pjsk. i ... » Continue Reading
— by deliriumdere
I played in a Dandy's world public lobby for the first time
For any strangers that come to read this, I'll give you some context first: I'm a misanthrope . I hate people, I hate how it's completely our fault on why the world's so shitty, and I'm definitely rooting for the next bubonic plague to kill us all. By the way; I don't like animals either because they really aren't as better as us, not even domesticated ones. I don't care about new fandoms and what... » Continue Reading
— by ⋆˚࿔ ᥲᑲіgᥲіᥣ 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
— by Moth_Crazy — 1 Kudos
Builds in my Adopt me house
So, the house that I've got, and that are going to be shown in these pics down below, is called Mountain House So, this is the small donation table i have when you first enter because I'm trying to save up a lot of money so I can continue to decorate » Continue Reading
— by arythmicArachnid — 1 Comment
cookie clicker unused assets
i find the unused sprites in the cookie clicker spritesheet so interesting the ones i find most interesting are the 2 full sets of unused tiers (the one thats like pale green with red and turquoise around it and the one thats like the "level 10" achievement icons but pink) in almost all of the sets, there is a triple cursor glove icon, a cursor pointer icon, a bottle, a cookie, and a kitten.* (the... » Continue Reading
— by ☆°Pudding•Sys°☆ — 2 Comments— 1 Kudos
i love muse dash why does it have to have weird stuff
seriously it feels so icky i just like the silly characters in the silly game but then all that weird stuff is everywhere and its..ew » Continue Reading
— by Benji
What's up with Brothership opinions anyway? (Games Playing Right Now #4)
I haven't seen really any reviews beside thumbnails and a Fully Ramblomattic episode, but I am having quite a bit of fun with Mario & Luigi: Brothership . It is Nintendo so I had to fork over $60 for it so I can't recommend it, but as someone who loved Dream Team I can say that anyone else who played any of the mid-tier games like me are able to enjoy their time with Borthership. I can see why que... » Continue Reading