So, the house that I've got, and that are going to be shown in these pics down below, is called Mountain House
So, this is the small donation table i have when you first enter because I'm trying to save up a lot of money so I can continue to decorate
this is the beginning of a small campsite that i hope to expand on more stands so it seems like more people are there
I want to sort of have a sense of a story/theme going on but I'm not sure on any concrete ideas
If you guys' comment some ideas and I like it, I'll build it and show you in later post :DÂ
this is just more so a closer look at the pic above
I realize now that this sort of looks like looking though housing websites or looking for apartments with the camera angles that I've taken
Yet another angle of the pic above
You can see how the layout is going though
The small shack in the back you can see is just the bathroom
aka a toilet in an empty room XD
This is taken in its early stages so apologies for its state
but if you can believe it, it's meant to be a garden
but if you've built in adopt me for a while then you know that there isn't really many choices for shapes and if you play on mobile trying to grab really small items is next to impossible
it's been put off for the time being
if you've got any ideas though feel free to drop them in the comments or dm me
So, remember when I said it's hard to grab items on mobile
yeaaaaah well that dresser/towel holder/whatever is hiding a broken mirror that's stuck on the side of the rock...
but thats not the main focus
This is the shower area because of course if you camp out in the wild you want to stay clean
or something
I just needed a place I could take care of my pets' shower needs
another closer angle
a nice privacy screen, with natural privacy from the hedges as well
A small table next to the shower to hold towels close by and to keep product in reach
I couldn't think of a good color for the towels really
and those things near the table behind it, are mushrooms, because I figured where there's a lot of running water there's probs mushrooms
Speaking of mushrooms
I've thought of adding the fae into the world because obviously that opens a lot of creative doorways
I've just made a simple mushroom circle with a spiral of small stones
(which took a lot of concentration, and a few brain cells)
This is a better view of it with everything in the background for scale
Now time for the last bit
It's not really anything special
the only thing I can really say is that I made it before the update came out where the toilet was actually functional
I put a small sink outside with a water bowel next to it to add some pazazz
And Ta-Da!!
Thats its
just a toilet and a boot
btw if you're wondering how I got the towel paper roll, I used a shelf, flipped and shrunk it, and used a small bevel cylinder in plain shapes
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