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Category: Pets and Animals
Top Blog Entries
— by picmiz — 1 Comment— 2 Kudos
Fish of the Day 31 - I got those coral polyps in me
Today’s fish of the day is the coral polyp! Another odd sea creature, and of course it’s really stretching the definition of “fish”. If you’ve been keeping up with this blog, you know I cover all sorts of sea creatures! Did you know these aren’t plants or rocks? Coral/coral » Continue Reading
— by Mary
Por qué Joselito es wekito: Un análisis ligero
Joselito encarna la quintaesencia del wekismo y fletismo moderno, y no porque él se lo haya buscado, sino porque las circunstancias se alinearon cósmicamente para que así fuese designado. Primero, juega FIFA y LoL (bruh), una combinación que garantiza comentarios como "¿Has considerado salir a buscar contacto femenino?". Esto lo coloca en un limbo de competitividad cuestionable donde sus habilidad... » Continue Reading
Top 3: Top 2: Honorable mention: AND FINALLY... .. .... .... ... ... .... . » Continue Reading
— by picmiz — 1 Kudos
Fish of the Day 30 - I got that gulper in me (+ small announcement)
BEFORE I BEGIN THE ENTRY, I JUST WANTED TO LET PEOPLE KNOW I'VE DECIDED TO START MAKING THESE AGAIN, HOWEVER POSTS MAY NOT BE CONSTANT!! Life has been getting busier, so i'll only make these when I have the time and motivation ! Today's fish of the day is certainly a crazy one... it's the GULPER EEL! » Continue Reading
— by Alex
I found a cat with a heart spot on it's belly :O
I was walking home from college when I found a stray cat. I tried to get closer and then I notived a big, black heart shaped spot!! That's so rare :O » Continue Reading
— by Jazzy<3 — 1 Comment— 2 Kudos
Cats \(^o^)/!!!
Cats... aren't they just the best? I love my three cats, so much!!!!!! \(>- » Continue Reading
— by lola — 2 Comments— 2 Kudos
platypuses !! :3
The Fascinating World of Platypuses One of nature's strangest creations, the platypus is by far my favorite mammal. With their unique features and fascinating anatomy, the platypus stands out as one of the most extraordinary animals on the planet. They are one of only five extant monotremes (egg-laying mammals), the other four being echidnas . Unlike most mammals, platypuses don't give birth to li... » Continue Reading
— by Alex — 1 Kudos