i feel like a boomer how to the frick do you guys code 0-0 all the blogs i look at theyre all so aesthetic and funky and then mine are like business emails from a tehcnologically inept old woman D: like: Hi Linda just enquiring about the last round of emails i sent. Do they all say suck my ballz at the bottom of them? I'm at the end of my tether xx. like where is the colour where is the PASSION su... » Continue Reading
Layout created by Katie https://layouts.spacehey.com/layout?id=379 Round PFP by fini hoover :3 https://layouts.spacehey.com/layout?id=31074 » Continue Reading
i work on my website on and off and sometimes i have like a feeling where i just wanna pour myself into it for like a whole day and do nothing but create. i feel like that now, but im so behind with school i cant afford to even sleep properly. ugh. » Continue Reading
SpaceHey Profile Visual Editor For about the past week or so, I've been working on a few JS projects on my Neocities website, one of which is my » Continue Reading
People are so ignorant about Linux. There is no organization or person in charge of the Linux Distros. Let that sink in. It is not like Apple or Microsoft. ANYONE and any organization in the world can make a Linux Distro if they have the time and know how. The official Linux kernel is a project that Linus Torvalds is in charge of so that IS controlled by one organization. But anyone can contribute... » Continue Reading
I finally changed my desktop theme after having the same one for a while.... For some reason my laptop wouldn't let me take a screenshot of my lock screen, but I changed » Continue Reading
AIM was the instant messaging platform made by AOL back in 1997. And went dark back in 2017. Not anymore, on Github, someone has made a way for someone to set up a server and to relive the late 90s again. Below are the instructions if you are interested, I have installed it and it works, just don't have anyone to chat to. https://github.com/mk6i/retro-aim-server/blob/main/docs/CLIENT.md » Continue Reading