No one is in charge of Linux Distros! The Linux community is NOT an organization, no one is in charge!

People are so ignorant about Linux. There is no organization or person in charge of the Linux Distros. Let that sink in. It is not like Apple or Microsoft. ANYONE and any organization in the world can make a Linux Distro if they have the time and know how. The official Linux kernel is a project that Linus Torvalds is in charge of so that IS controlled by one organization. But anyone can contribute code to it (doesn't mean the code will be accepted). BUT anyone can fork the Linux kernel and make there own version of it. People think Linux Distros work like Apple or Microsoft operating system were someone is in charge. The Linux community is NOT an organization! No one is in charge. It's just a bunch of people all over the world working on Linux stuff and for the most part making it open source. It's a worldwide community.

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