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Category: Pets and Animals
Top Blog Entries
— by Aspen ˚₊‧⁺⋆♱ ★ — 2 Kudos
Pictures of my cat cuz hes adorable!!
He also gets younger as the images go down, hes roughly seven months old now : » Continue Reading
— by aden 🦖 — 1 Comment— 4 Kudos
MINI DINO INFODUMP 3.5 😨❗️❗️❗️❗️
1. dinosaur farts literally contributed to GLOBAL WARMING, it’s estimated that dinosaurs produced 250 million metric tons of gas per year, comparable to the amount of methane pumped into the atmosphere today. the methane trapped heat in the earths atmosphere, basically warming the earth up to 1 degree Celsius 2. thoug » Continue Reading
— by A5h0443 — 1 Comment— 1 Kudos
My chubby dog coco
So wsg im gonna write abt my chubby or rather fat ass dog cus i feel like it so my dog 13(f) is a somewhat crazy and engertic dog despite her old age she runs around my house when i enter and she brings me her bowl to instantly feed her because shes fat and dont get in the comments saying that i should get her on a diet she is on a diet and eats like 2 a day and always has water. when i got out wi... » Continue Reading
— by Lærke — 1 Comment— 2 Kudos
This is my cat Tinka!! Tinka is a very clingy cat. She is ALWAYS following me around, and she cuddles with me every chance she gets. She also likes to lay on my chair at the dining table when im not sitting on it. When i sit down on the floor she loves to lay on my skirt, since i wear long skirts. She doesnt like to be held but she » Continue Reading
— by Rie<3 — 2 Comments
— by Raychel Kovalevskaya
https://streamable.com/675e9j?src=player-page-share Like it or not we let them live up to their names ! No we do not allow them to "kill each other" but we do let them box it out for a while and yes we have tournaments ;) this is 2 of my fish ;) » Continue Reading
— by ETF FAN !!
— by c3rt1f13d w31rd k1d — 2 Kudos
So I opened the door to my room and my two cats were outside of it and they kinda turned and jumped down the hall and I said "What if I just kidnapped you and put you in a box" THEY TURNED AROUND AND TILTED THEIR HEADS LIKE "WTF" IT WAS SO FUCKING FUNNY THE WAY THEY JUST STOPPED AND LOOKED AT ME IF I GOT THAT ON VIDEO IT WOULD BE GOLD I TELL YOU » Continue Reading
— by picmiz — 2 Kudos
Fish of the Day 33 - I got that electricity in me
Today's fish of the day is the electric eel! Oh, this'll be a sad entry for me. I feel so betrayed!! At least electric eels are cuties! Electric eel facts: - Arguably the worst fact... electric eels aren't true eels 💔 It pains me to say that, because I LOVE eels! Despite havin » Continue Reading
— by Homura
Mr. Handsome
Mr.Handsome ( His name isn’t basically Handsome, but he is handsome ✨ ) » Continue Reading
— by r0ttingzkdjdjj