Category: SpaceHey

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— by BigPantsBob3 Comments

URGENT READ ME: Proof that Dreamy is a paraphile and a sick degenerate

                      READ ME: Hello what is going on everyone, this is BigPantsBob here and today i want everyone to know that the internet meme known as Ambatukam which his name is Dreamybull or Perrell brown was known for his catchphrases on his videos but, the problem is that he has an intense  sexual arousal to inanimate objects, places, fantasies, and even worse... CHILDREN! he said that Kid... » Continue Reading

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— by #1 internet angel

dni !

basic dni criteria ai "art" users/defenders fujoshis ; ppl who use waifu/husbando -13 , 20+ theres way more but if u stink ill js block you » Continue Reading

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— by swag guy — 1 Kudos

dni and int list

DNI pedos, lolicon, shotacon, MAPs zoophiles necrophiles » Continue Reading

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— by Shen Yamada Corporation2 Comments— 4 Kudos

holy shit spacehey works in china

spacehey works in china anyways im in china i sat through a 13 hour flight for this » Continue Reading

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— by wrenniesummer3 Comments— 6 Kudos


Why proshipping needs to stay private: 1 - Pedophiles look for this kind of content. Cp of fictional children is second to real cp. Yes, it is a subtype of pedophillia called fictopedophillia. An adult being attracted to the idea of a » Continue Reading

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— by Lexi2 Comments— 2 Kudos

Who here actually lived in the real MySpace days

I swear to god this shit is like making me to start to realize that wow okay... I am not pissed that kids come to this site but it just sometimes doesn't feel like what I am trying to recapture like okay if you don't remember when most of these songs in this link when they first came out and just discovered them then please leave because you are too young and honestly shouldn't be here, I swear to... » Continue Reading

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— by 4ly.v4mp1r31 Comment

— by disappear

DNI criteria (read before you add me)

DNI (do not interact) criteria is a list of things that a person online does not want to interact with if they describe you. Please read the full list before you add me. If you don't meet it and try to add me, I will either deny the request or block you. DNI if you: Are YOUNGER THAN 16 YEARS OLD. I don't care if you're 15 1/2, I don't want kids following me (and frankly anyone under 13 shouldn't h... » Continue Reading

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— by bug0gram1 Comment

Hey spacehey

I wanted to write my first blog post for this website, I'm a little fed up with every social media, Maybe I can build something here! » Continue Reading

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— by stressed dinosaur2 Comments— 10 Kudos

we can do better than this

here's what you're going to do: you're going to go to top blogs page. you're going to scroll past all the drama and callout blogs, keep scrolling until you see something actually cool that interests you. you're going to click on it, read it, and if it's still cool to you, you're going to give it kudos. then your gonna keep scrolling the top blogs and repeat. maybe leave a comment on some if you wa... » Continue Reading

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— by thighsucker3 Comments— 2 Kudos

Spacehey has gotten boring

The search engine is ass Spacehey has just become a glitchy, dead version of Twitter I rest my case » Continue Reading

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— by ComputerBlade — 10 Kudos

Seriously spacehey, when can we post new layouts?

Seriously spacehey, when can we post new layouts? I'm tired of this, it is not really practical IMHO to post layouts via blogs. If you're worried abt people posting inappropriate shiz, I suggest you to moderate the place better in that case. Please enable posting layouts ASAP Thank YOU » Continue Reading

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