Well, Well. After 11 Years, I started a SubscribeStar Account. Carol the Cat has a SubscribeStar Now because I have No Funds. The SubscribeStar Tiers are Kitten, Adolescent Cat, and Fully Grown Cat. Kitten Tier is $5.00 Adolescent Cat Tier is $10.00 Fully Grown Cat Tier is $15.00 Kitten Tier costs $5.00 that means. You can Access Sketches and Rough Sketches. » Continue Reading
Hey y'all! Hope y'all had a great week, unlike me. I have this idea to do weekly blogs of my goals that I plan to achieve in the following week, and also a chance to tell me y'alls, just to get some "motivation" or community, cuz...well...school is a required prison for some of us. Anyways, this is just a fun thing that I am going to be doing, so feel free to participate if you want. Next Weeks Go... » Continue Reading
actually this past few weeks were really nerve wreaking after the finals exams. i kept thinking the worst thing that could happen if ever had failing grades, but it turned out fine in the end.. honestly after seeing the results ive had the most calmest break since this term started and ive finally been able to catch up with my crocheting and crafting, while tryna finish off another 3 seasons of sh... » Continue Reading
why does no one talk about how hard it is to learn Russian. like ive been learning for about 2 years now and ive always known the cryllic alphabet and yet i only know how to form basic sentences. please tell me im not the only one. like ive had the advantage of being fluent in polish and understanding ukrainian due to my heritage but it gets me literally no where. can any » Continue Reading
im seeing my GIRLFRIEND ON SATURDAY!!!1 im soooo freakin excited omgomg OMG im staying at her house fow a whoooole week and we are gonna go on a lovely valentines day dste!!!!!!!! ^_^ YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY YESYESYEYSEYEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » Continue Reading
I feel like I'll never be enough, like I've placed myself in a world where I don’t truly belong, where only God might accept me. Too impure for innocence, yet too pure to be anything else. And every day, I carry that weight on my shoulders, hoping that one day, someone will see me, truly see me, I long for a man who won’t judge my inexperience but will cherish it, who won’t be unsettled by the co... » Continue Reading
Sleeps been weird for me lately. I've been trying sleeping more, sleeping less, and it doesn't seem to help. I've been so sleepy and it's effecting my classes and mood, but who knows! I might just need a meal boost, I don't eat breakfast much. I'll catch everyone up on that next week. -- Update!! Free will worked, but at the detriment of my dad almost getting arrested. It's clear the universe says... » Continue Reading