Hello! This is my media collection. You can look over each item with your mouse cursor, and if you click the middle of them it will play my favorite song from that album! If you want to stop it from playing, just click the item again. (Please give the page a couple of minutes to load the songs if they aren't playing when you click » Continue Reading
Nothing much happened today, but I've started having weird hallucinations again. I've actually always had hallucinations, auditory and even visual, but they usually happen few and far between. I'm going to recount a few times it's happened, just because it's interesting to me. First instance I remember The first time I ever » Continue Reading
So I'm trying (semi) daily blogging again. Today is kinda boring though, literally spent all day almost smoking and doing fuck all. I did some game artwork for a project I'm doing but that's about it. Perhaps I'll edit this post and add it if people wanna see (It's shitty pixel art so don't get your hopes up) (Someone said they wanted it so I'm adding it IG) » Continue Reading
I was working on my desk area today and I took some pictures of the decoration. Here are some close ups of the pictures I've put on the walls » Continue Reading