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Category: Art and Photography
Top Blog Entries
— by Ash (>w<)! — 1 Comment— 7 Kudos
I made kandi
I made some kandi for my collection yesterday (background is my mousepad). I almost couldn't find pony beads where I live and buying online is expensive T-T so I also used round plastic beads, and even wooden ones (the green ones). But they turned out nice :) And yeah main.c because I'm a programmer » Continue Reading
— by Dr3a..vampzzz — 2 Comments— 1 Kudos
ooo chat I made graffiti ink from scratch :9
my hands r sloghtly stained pink anyways the recipie is a 80% rubbing alcohol and 20% acetone (it doesnt really matter just use a bunch of rubbing alcohol and a teeny bit of acetone since acetone eats plastic a bit) and like put it in a container with like the inside thingies from cheap pens and shake and like boom u have ink :D » Continue Reading
yapping about how much i love art and how i see it <3
im an artist? Have you ever felt something so deep inside you that you need it to even breathe? That's what happens to me with art since I was little. not just paintings or music or perfectly symmetrical sculptures, but with little » Continue Reading
— by Alexa ️ — 1 Comment— 2 Kudos
Struggling to find motivation in photography
Ive recently been struggling to find motivation to do and seek out photography, its been a nightmare trying to get myself to take anything and actually enjoy the outcome especially in this shitty little town i live in there's not much to take pictures of If it snowed it would be a different story but otherwise its always raining and overcast atm :(((( » Continue Reading
— by nauti☆ — 1 Kudos
— by deaddov3s — 2 Kudos
— by ⛦ icarus !! ⛦ — 1 Comment— 7 Kudos