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Category: Art and Photography
Top Blog Entries
— by đ MINUS đ — 2 Comments— 6 Kudos
Htf. drawings
teehee these were from the past couple months (aka how long ive been hooked on the series :3) » Continue Reading
— by Coco_Neutral — 8 Kudos
— by Bottle O' Glue — 3 Comments— 4 Kudos
List of Vintage Maps, Timelines, and Charts
I understand the shortcomings of some of these works and seek only their artistic value. If you would like something to be added to the list, let me know. I am specifically looking for works from a similar timeframe as the ones listed below (predominantly because the copyright has long since expired); if some are particularly interesting to me, regardless of the date of creation, then I will inclu... » Continue Reading
Misc art stuff from college
I'm switching to ece cuz art school SUCKS but here is stuff.. :3 » Continue Reading
— by ducvlap5112 — 12 Kudos
KwickBit: Simplify Payments with Stablecoins
Accept USDT & USDC securely with KwickBit! Designed for eCommerce, it integrates with Shopify, WooCommerce, & SquareSpace. â Keep full control of your funds (non-custodial). â Automate invoicing, taxes, & VAT. â Perfect for businesses in volatile currency markets. Discover more at https://kwickbit.com/ » Continue Reading
— by âĻģ Bowie Bulletproof âĻģ — 6 Kudos
đ¸ PTV x Arcane Style Fanart đ¸
Hello, this was an attempt to draw PTV in the arcane style!! If you're interested in seeing my ptv art in my usual art style I have a collection in THIS blog!! I'm not sure if I should post a collection of my other drawings as well but we'll see! Thanks for reading!! Hope you enjoy the art! » Continue Reading
— by G0ld_Fishcr4ckers — 1 Comment— 5 Kudos
— by xX_burn1ng_h0ll0w_Xx — 2 Comments— 9 Kudos
— by Neurotic Rat