— by r0tt3n_m34tt — 1 Comment— 3 Kudos
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Category: Art and Photography
Top Blog Entries
— by austin — 1 Comment— 4 Kudos
21.11.24 | photography blog
Hellow! today was a cold, crisp day, and i had a day off school because idk it was just closed for some reason. so i went on a walk! i got to wear my new penguin hat, it's very cute ^w^. i listened to some albums by 溶けない名前/tokeinai namae, and later turned off my music to enjoy the sounds around me :-) shot with Canon EOS 1200D now playing - √2匹 by tokienae namae » Continue Reading
— by Alex the bat — 1 Comment
— by luminary — 2 Comments— 4 Kudos
art time
hihi first blog post on here!! finished one of my fav pieces i've ever made today :-) my character Carmen caught in a dance with someone unpleasant. there's another version where shes got a lamb mask on to counter the wolf skull hes wearing, but i forgot to put that one in. whoops!! was also trying to go for a rose and thorn thing?? idk but it took me 14 hours which is actually craz » Continue Reading
— by daniellabella — 2 Comments— 2 Kudos
— by MEW.net — 1 Kudos
kekekekekekekekeke solivan brugmansia Ngl ion like yanderes but like androgynous long hair emo baddie?!!! 🤑🤑🤑 so logically i spent allmy time drawing him instad of doing my college apps. and IB work. Also i hate IB. and. i usualy dont play these kinds of games. i jist saw sol. and » Continue Reading
— by ikissthehomiesgn — 1 Comment— 5 Kudos
doodle dump?
guys oh my god you have no idea how stupid i am and how long it took to figure out how to upload images here but nevertheless here they are » Continue Reading
— by Vida Autor — 1 Comment— 2 Kudos
— by アレちゃん
(´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ Mi experiencia ♡ 120 horas fue lo que se me dio para hacer el corto. Lo que no sabían es que tuve menos tiempo aún porque tengo clases los sábados ( ̄▽ ̄;). Mi compu hizo el render al 100% y se trabó el CapCut como 4 veces (╥﹏╥). Blender solo se cerró » Continue Reading
— by drunken_cryptid — 1 Comment— 4 Kudos
Sketchbook #3 tour [to be updated]
Some rules/facts abt my sketchbooks: They all have an intro, outro, and friends page [the friends page is where all my friends and family put their own drawings]. I start them by perforating a star into the intro page and end them by perforating a star into the outro page. Once that is done, im no longer allowed to change anything abt my sketchbook. The outside and intro page develop during the u... » Continue Reading
— by bryley :)) — 4 Kudos
pls ignore the bad lighting i took this pic during math class DX math class was soooo boring and my teacher made the mistake of leaving me w a pencil LMAO also i have no idea how 2 draw faces so uhh ignore that also poor roxi i did her so dirty w that first drawing of her LMAO EDIT: i redid the first roxxane drawing n it looks a lot better imo! » Continue Reading