— by Pixiy — 3 Comments— 1 Kudos
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Category: Art and Photography
Top Blog Entries
— by °★°zeke/žika°★° — 2 Comments— 19 Kudos
small art dump (nudity, self harm scars and GAY PEOPLE) (updated)
bru spacehey so mushes over the pics I deepfried em and they still look blurry when u zoom😞😞 an addition » Continue Reading
— by Mr. Mandelbrot — 2 Comments— 10 Kudos
Sketchbook highlights Nov2024
Hi guys, welcome to my first sketchbook tour. I am on a roll with my art so this took 5 days. Wanted to do more inking but I just ended up sketching and sketching with just pencil. They are pretty rough sketches but I guess that what a sketchbook is for. Paper was super thin so I couldn't use that many art supplies (dip pen, gouache, aquarelle) This is by far not all, sketchbook was 36 pages I th... » Continue Reading
— by Xx_Odiseo_xX — 1 Comment— 4 Kudos
My room !!
I have been decorating my room for a while now, i got tired of the basic and minimalistic style, so i started filling my life with colors and i luv it! 🌈 this is a little pic of the results hehe... » Continue Reading
— by phi
ohh noooo the world knows how i look like
body { font-family: "MS UI Gothic", nec_apc3, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 120%; background-image: url('https://i.ibb.co/7jF1kJV/Untitled77-20241120002005.png'); background-size: 2900px; background-color: rgb(46, 203, 255); overflow-x: hidden; /* Prevents horizontal scroll bars */ } /*img { width=900px; height=100%; }*/ main { background: linear-gradient(rgba(255, 255, 255, 1), rgba(244, 187, 2... » Continue Reading
— by 𝔰𝔦𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔲𝔪 — 2 Kudos
my first stickerpacks!
i've loved stickers my entire life and always wanted to do something special and something of my own but the problem is.. i can't like ever finish any drawing, leave alone a whole bunch of them! so at some point i really gave up but then suddently it hit me! i can just use cute pictures from all around our wide internet web/ a lot of small businesses actually do this » Continue Reading
— by [tomohaze] — 4 Comments— 4 Kudos
so, what was that about?
and by that i mean this rly vague teaser i posted a while back. so, what was that about?~ whoever know what Interloper or Project Skybox is, may have already figured out this is a directly inspired project. and yes, it absolutely is! i don't have a name for this series yet, but this is a Minecraft unfiction series that is inspired by most unique Source engine webseries - » Continue Reading
— by RandomElliotXD — 5 Comments— 2 Kudos
— by deaddov3s — 1 Comment— 2 Kudos
corrupted parts
I made this a while ago by taking a bunch of my old drawings and mashing them together with some editing. » Continue Reading
— by oginome — 2 Kudos
☆ photo log [last updated: nov 29, 2024] ☆
/*PHOTO CONTAINER STYLING*/ .title-bar-controls button {border:none;border-radius:0;box-sizing:border-box;color:transparent;min-height:23px;min-width:75px;padding:0 12px;text-shadow:0 0 #222} .title-bar-controls button {background:silver;box-shadow:inset -1px -1px #0a0a0a,inset 1px 1px #fff,inset -2px -2px grey,inset 2px 2px #dfdfdf} .title-bar-controls button:not(:disabled):active {box-shadow:ins... » Continue Reading
— by Bat (Meeks' version) — 4 Kudos
Gimmicks blog
html:before { animation: grain 8s steps(10) infinite; background-image: url("file:///C:/Users/Felhaszn%C3%A1l%C3%B3/Downloads/USA-BLK.jpg"); content: ""; height: 300%; left: -50%; opacity:.2; position: fixed; top: -110%; width: 300%; pointer-events:none; } @keyframes grain { 0%, 100% { transform:translate(0, 0) » Continue Reading
— by RandomElliotXD — 1 Comment
18/11/24 ✮⋆˙ 📸
! drinking, driving n kissing boys hello, Elliot here. last saturday was a Thai holiday (loy krathong) And me and my friends made sure we looked gud 4 it lolz.. here are only sum pics cus i h8 putting my pics on my computer... if u want more go check ou » Continue Reading