I've been driving myself batty looking for some typing game I played in computer class as a kid for like, a year now. Searching for it was borderline impossible since I remembered almost nothing about it. :T The music from the game's main screen is the clearest thing that stood out in my memory, but obviously I can't exactly look for that. Today, I searched for many variations of "old typing game"... » Continue Reading
Along with the not-as-ancient clients they have, Escargot offers clients for MSN 1.0 to 3.6... But I'm not sure if it's feasible for them to run on actual retro systems. I don't know how different Escargot's code is from MSN's, and I wouldn't be surprised if Escargot was designed to run on modern machines. >. < The thought makes me really excited, though. Tangentially, I have to wonder if there's ... » Continue Reading
It only took a million billion years, but I finally moved my important files over from my laptop to my PC! :3 My "important files" being my drawings and my extensive, painstakingly-organized bookmarks. I kept putting it off because, the first time I tried, the flashdrive I was trying to use was giving me some trouble. It'd stop copying my files halfway through, and Windows would tell me the drive ... » Continue Reading
And that name is " retrocomputing !" :D I guess I thought my slow descent into old computer madness was a unique case. I'm relieved that it's not! I think it's too early for me to say whether or not this has reignited some kind of passion in me; All I know is that right now, today, it feels like there's a sparkler going off in my chest, and that isn't something I've felt in a long time. I want to ... » Continue Reading
I have more to say about the smallweb, and if we're lucky, I'll actually make part 2 and talk about that. For now, though, I can just say I'm thinking a lot about the smallweb lately. I'm attempting to learn more about alternate protocols, but tend to scare myself out of doing so. There's so much I have to learn about computers and networking, and something as seemingly simple as reading up on the... » Continue Reading
I don't have anything particularly big or productive to say, but I wanted to acknowledge the day and wish everybody a safe and peaceful Juneteenth. ^_^ » Continue Reading
Well, actually, I completed it a few days ago. :P But God, was ever I exhausted from trying to get this thing up and running. I felt like I needed a week to recover from all the trouble it gave me - much of which was my own fault. x_x'' There was a period where I was troubleshooting for two days straight, only taking breaks to eat and vent. It was horrible. Long story short, I tried to install an ... » Continue Reading
A lion talks so much about absolutely nothing here. You have been warned! Well hi! It's no secret that I've been pretty quiet around here. It's not for a waning interest in Spacehey, but because instead of one video game occupying all my thoughts, I now have two . That's the first reason. I have honestly been spending more time away from my laptop while I play games. :P T » Continue Reading
I think I need to acknowledge some of the positive things that have been going on! ✎ I've been easing back into a routine and re-disciplining myself! I'm not quite where I want to be just yet, but I've made a lot of progress. I'm finally starting to feel like a living person again. x.x ✎ I've been wanting to build a computer for a very long time now. Today, the last part I needed arrived! Hopefull... » Continue Reading
I had only subscribed to one of my friends' blogs on here, then proceeded to wonder why nobody else was posting blogs. I, uh, kind of immediately forgot that you had to subscribe in order to be notified of people's blog posts... =w= I just finished doing that, though! You'll probably be hearing more from me now. It's up to you to decide whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. XP » Continue Reading
One of my friends is putting together a list of creepypastas that they enjoy. I'm making it my mission to read them, even though I'm a huge baby about any kind of horror. :'D The first pasta I read was this one . As much as I liked reading it, I didn't think it had much of an impact on me, until I wanted to listen to the "song clip." All t » Continue Reading
It's a cycle my friends are all too familiar with. I go a couple of days without drawing; then when I try to draw again, I'm (predictably) a little out of the groove, and feel sad that none of my warm-up doodles look "good." Rarely does a sketch ever get lined and colored. Heck, rarely do I even get past warm-ups and into sketching. Honestly, for several months now - potentially up to a year or lo... » Continue Reading