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Category: Life

Good things ahead!

I think I need to acknowledge some of the positive things that have been going on!

✎ I've been easing back into a routine and re-disciplining myself! I'm not quite where I want to be just yet, but I've made a lot of progress. I'm finally starting to feel like a living person again. x.x

✎ I've been wanting to build a computer for a very long time now. Today, the last part I needed arrived! Hopefully I'll start putting it together next week.

✎ I've finally gotten enrolled in an online driving course. I haven't done much with it yet, but from what I have seen, the lessons are engaging and the people who wrote them have a good sense of humor. <3 I'm really excited to go forward with them and earn my license. <3

✎ I don't really know how to explain this one - I've gotten some supplies that allow me to make stuffed animals more "floppy" :D
Basically, I put little beanbags in their feet, belly, and hands. By doing this, they can sit without falling over, they're easier to pose, and overall they just have a bit more life to them. <3

With that, I sign off for the night to go play some Kirby. <3

2 Kudos


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congrats on everything!! :D getting into a routine is so hard to keep up but it does feel great! it sounds like you have a lot of exciting stuff going on too, plushy making sounds so fun!!

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Thank you very much!! I'm actually not making stuffed animals (yet), but I've done it before, and it is indeed very fun.

by ThatLionLoser; ; Report

...Oh, cool, half of my comment got nuked. =_= Sorry about that! I tried to type a "less than three" heart, and Spacehey does not like the "less than" symbol being used outside of code.

Anyway, about making your own plushies, I just said that it was a great feeling to watch your creations come together and come to life. ♡

Then, I said that the plushies I'm adding beanbags to right now are Build-a-Bears. ^_^ Since they're made to be easily reopened, they're very easy to work with!
After I get the hang of working with Build-a-Bears, I want to put beanbags in some of my other stuffed pals. :D

by ThatLionLoser; ; Report