location: conch well thats one month of summer basically done. dont have much to show for it though. i feel like ive been wallowing for so long, i might be stuck like this. cant imagine how i used to feel. i feel like a failure for some reason. i finished off with a 94 in precalc. did actually learn alot. i dont know why i cant just have what i currently have be enough. im sure my problem is only ... » Continue Reading
the urge to write really hits at random moments. watching waves rn. i wonder if this'll actually upset me. hope not. me and k did it. was a fun 8 seconds i think. i don't think i regret it because it didn't feel all that monumental. i wonder how bad itll hurt if this goes bad. i dont wanna think about that though. i said i love you to him. i was choking on the words at first but it wasnt because i... » Continue Reading
open communication like we have today has done wonderous things for the world but i cannot help but notice it’s downsides in the way we communicate with one another. when did love become a natural thing to expect out of life. was it always a part of life or was it truly a more rare thing? i » Continue Reading
introducing my next mistake. he said he wouldn’t leave though, reassured me that it was true. cant help but doubt but what can i do. he said he thinks about me all the time. that got me i can’t lie. that mattered to me more than a confession. that was a confession to me i guess. i hate when » Continue Reading
location: conch heyy! probably shouldnt be writing rn, i have math to do. but its not hard and i know ill get it done. i got my addy today. im not sure if the 15mg isnt enough for me or i didnt give it enough time. but ive done well today so far. first day where i enjoyed living in a while. its not like it really changed me. im not jumping off the walls or anything, i'm just not fatigued for once.... » Continue Reading
location: with pet writing with a special interest present is new. this is fun though. i just gave him a bracelet. it was funny to do the 1 or 2 thing. i felt like my brother, forgot how much i act like him. we played chess and he won. i wasnt mad at losing but i didn't like him trying to dumb it down for me. not really dislike, just something i would say fuk off for. so not so bad. we're gonna se... » Continue Reading
location: lair well. hey. been about a month since i last wrote. feels like yesterday. finally got my adderall but it doesn't really do anything for me. i'm not sure what i really want anymore. that's a lie. that's how i feel about anything romantic. i wanna get the internship. i wanna learn more. i hate that i feel like i know nothing. what has the past two years been. i'm getting better at calmi... » Continue Reading
location: ej counch blocked d last night. it's funny we can't make it past a month. i guess it doesn't matter who's fault it is. i don't see it changing unless he changed and he doesn't seem to have any interest in changing. i think i've been stuck on that for a while thinking maybe if i said more, he could recognize and change. but i'm tired of prolonging the inevitable. i think it was a good dec... » Continue Reading
location: couch i have no enemies. it's a good thing to remember that. people have a million of things going on. it's easy to forget that. any dispute can be resolved if you just breathe and remember that all is well. got into a fight with m. it could've gone on forever and could've gotten much more poisonous. but why is he fighting me. i don't understand. so why should i fight him back. his anger... » Continue Reading
location: werk i'm not a writer but i feel like writing, i suppose. currently watching "one day". it's a good show so far but i'm sure it'll make me feel sad by the end of it. i don't know what's been going on with me. i'm tired of questioing everything i do but, i'm also tired of feeling like this. is there an end to this? this searching feeling that never feels satiated. i feel like i don't know... » Continue Reading
location: yas lair currently listening to jjk end 1. just finished watching entergalactic. about to get up and make breakfast after writing this and then go to the gym with m. life is okay. nothings going particularly right but nothings particularly wrong because i suppose theres nothing really going on right now. and thats okay with me. i wonder if theres a word for how im feeling. im just okay w... » Continue Reading
location: desk at ej ok. trippy smakd taken last night. i still feel weird and need this to pass cuz omfg. sitting here rn, definitely not waiting for him to text me back. i dont know why i want him to really. i dont know whats happened this weekend. friday was a good day i think. i dont know what i want anymore. it feels better than regret and sorrow though. ill take unease rather than hopelessne... » Continue Reading