My Christmas, though frustrating, was a nice one. I gifted my boyfriend a multi-tool he'd been looking at for some time as well as a tactical mini-usb flashlight with all kinds of different settings. He'd been looking at that, too, to replace his older one. It warms my heart remembering the look on his face when he opened it and fiddled with it for a while. I like when something I do makes it to a... » Continue Reading
I'm not a Christian and I am ready for what this post may bring. I forgive you. I have given my life over to Jesus and Yahweh respectively. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins. That is simply my belief. I am also a witch. That in mind, I'm going to ask that you please not abuse me for this difference I have from you. I am the card-holding ordained Reverend Mother of a Sanctuary that is op... » Continue Reading
For those who may not know or care, I am a practicing witch as well as a reverend, and I acknowledge that today, December twenty-first of 2022 is the Winter Solstice! That's a holiday among Pagan Folk and the third day of Hanukkah among the Jewish! Those who celebrate Christmas, today would be the Christmas Advent number eight, I believe? Haha, it's silly that I'm an ordained reverend under Yahweh... » Continue Reading
Today, I wasn't entirely sure what to even write about. So I asked my friends. My good friend Jordan suggested, jokingly, that I write about dicks. Of course I thought, har har... but then he jokingly suggested that I write about the top five dicks I've ever had. I figured, you know what? I'm going to talk about it, somewhat. I'm going to talk about mostly why I don't care much about someone's siz... » Continue Reading
First thing's first, something I want to make very clear is that I am demi-bisexual. This means I am sexually attracted to emotions. If I trust or even love you, the odds of us having some kind of sexual exchange are high. If I do not even know you? The chances are zero. The bisexual part means I am attracted to my same gender (female) and the opposite of it (male). Please keep that in mind. I am ... » Continue Reading
This is in response to someone I had a disagreement with on SpaceHey... so hello, if you've followed me for some reason and decided to read this... yes, this is in response to our spat. Let me explain to my readers how being constantly miserable and in pain is not a milestone and not a time to say "that's being an adult". That phrase is very toxic to us. I'm now thirty-one, and this means I've bee... » Continue Reading
I’m a person who identifies as poly-amorous, or “poly” for short. I can call in love and maintain a relationship with more than one person. The hard part about that is loving someone who doesn’t truly love you back… or someone who doesn’t quite understand what love is yet. What’s even harder is sharing someone you’d rather not share. I don’t normally experience jealousy since I’m poly… so to find ... » Continue Reading
And when our demons dance together, They will turn the ballroom's many heads, And like a beast, the room will gasp A mighty roar in our direction. Oh, aren't we quite the distraction? A taboo of ill-timed circumstance... Pay them no mind - let us continue our dance. » Continue Reading
I am not a thin woman. Anyone who has seen my twitter or even my tiktoks knows that I am not... and probably never will be... a skinny woman. This does not mean, however, that I am not someone’s fetish. In fact, I belong to an entire multitude of categories to which I was welcomed with open arms. Yeah, today I’m talking about being pretty “for a big girl”. I’m talking about being a super-size Big,... » Continue Reading
I just want to start this out by prefacing that I understand this is a controversial topic and that I am exposing myself to criticism, both rude and kind, but I also want to make this clear that I am only sharing my opinion on this, and only this topic in this post. Do I agree with the rest of you? Absolutely! I will just also be sharing my thoughts on the matter. So no need to come at me, but I u... » Continue Reading
This post is not going to be something of a "but I'm a nice guy" thing, but just something I'd been thinking about the past few days. Someone asked me why I get a lot of chubby chaser men in my DMs but not many women... well, simply because women are more respectful toward other woman. We women don't treat each other the way men treat us. I don't go messaging women my massive clit and ask for rati... » Continue Reading
I used to keep a journal. What first inspired me to do so was after reading Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson. It was essentially a story about a girl who had been through similar things to me as far as being raped goes. It's something I've experienced and though it hurt me dearly, though it was on my mind constantly, it was never anything I wrote about in my journal. Part of me is glad I didn't... ... » Continue Reading