I'm not a Christian and I am ready for what this post may bring. I forgive you.
I have given my life over to Jesus and Yahweh respectively. I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins. That is simply my belief. I am also a witch. That in mind, I'm going to ask that you please not abuse me for this difference I have from you. I am the card-holding ordained Reverend Mother of a Sanctuary that is open to all faiths... and my god, Yahweh, calls to me to bring people together. Yes... I do have something to say here.
I've been called upon in my spiritual journey to bring others together to coexist. In the end, we all want the same thing: redemption. So how do we get the redemption? Accepting your prophet or god as your leader, essentially. This applies to all religions.
Let's get rid of religion for a second... what does your god want from you?
Consider whoever it is you pray to. For some it's Allah (The Creator), Abraham-Christian God (God/Yahweh/Jehovah), for some it's Shiva, Aphrodite, Whoever... consider whoever you pray to... what is it that the end goal is?
To die and be presented like a lamb to slaughter, no? If you said I was wrong, then you're into religion for all the wrong reasons. You're in it to get heaven and that's not what your goal as a religious person ought to be.
A religious person's goal ought to be simply to meet his maker. This isn't to say that oh I'm better than you because I want something else out of my faith, la dee da! No... what I'm saying is... if you really, truly want to serve your god... here's all you have to do:
Don't contribute to the wicked.
My relationship with Yahweh is what saved my life... and I am who I am because of my god. I live in a predominantly catholic/god fearing suburbs, and I had a discussion with one of our local priests in what I should do when I feel that my mission of coexistence is failing. He tells me to do as Jesus did and continue on my way to my Father.
Now... I don't consider Yahweh to be my father, I consider Yahweh to be my god. Yahweh is my teacher, my Observer, my Leader, but I am not Yahweh's slave and Yahweh is not my brutal tyrant of a heavenly father...
...but I do understand what he was saying.
He was telling me to keep trying. Just keep fighting for what's right. Jesus was ridiculed left and right for his beliefs (which I share). And honestly... it's the witchcraft that I'm called to do that helps people... that helps me cause less wickedness. I do not go out of my way to tell people they are wrong or that they pray wrong. I do not go out of my way to bring harm to people and I refuse to allow wickedness into my practice. Sure, the old testament says this and that... but what did Jesus do?
Jesus Christ's best friend and possible lover (Mormon religion) was a hooker.
So I feel part of my mission of coexistence would be to share with you... that I feel that wickedness is anything done with malice. Anything done with the intention to bring harm from a place of hatred, anger, rage, or wrath; to do lasting and intentional harm, upholding the spirit of the intended harm (which means actually meaning to cause harm, verbatim).
For you this holiday season, reader, I wish for you a safe, warm holiday. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Bright Solstice... and a happy-all-the-rest-of-them!
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