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Category: Blogging

Girls Don't Like Me

This post is not going to be something of a "but I'm a nice guy" thing, but just something I'd been thinking about the past few days. Someone asked me why I get a lot of chubby chaser men in my DMs but not many women... well, simply because women are more respectful toward other woman. We women don't treat each other the way men treat us. I don't go messaging women my massive clit and ask for ratings. If I happen to think someone is pretty, I'll tell them in the publicity of a comments section or something.

Why wouldn't I do it that way? DMing someone just to say "you're super pretty" is a little creepy. I mean there are days I get a genuinely nice compliment in my DMs. But 97 out of 100 of those are very, very sexual innuendos, unsolicited pics, or straight up filthy shit I didn't ask for and they did not pay for.

"I'm not like other people"... okay cool, we get it. On the other hand... I'm a lot like every other genflu woman. I have wants and needs, I crave female companionship as well as male... I just also understand why women don't really like me or find me attractive.

  1. I'm a fat girl. I used to be 600, I am now half that, but my body is still not attractive by societal standards, so women don't like me.
  2. I am not fashionable. Put me in a room with 30 other women and they'll all be wearing amazing fashion, and I'm wearing my coffee mumu with my stoner hair all not-made-up. I'm a raggamuffin.
  3. I don't come from money. I can't spoil my girl rotten and do not tell me money isn't something girls want. I'm a fucking girl and trust me. I want money. I want to spoil my friends and family so bad.

So given the three basics, looks, fashion sense, and money, and considering I have none of them, my chances of tasting vajuju ever again are probably a whopping, solid, fierce two percent.

0 Kudos


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