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Category: Life

What it's like to be a Fetish

I am not a thin woman. Anyone who has seen my twitter or even my tiktoks knows that I am not... and probably never will be... a skinny woman. This does not mean, however, that I am not someone’s fetish. In fact, I belong to an entire multitude of categories to which I was welcomed with open arms.

Yeah, today I’m talking about being pretty “for a big girl”. I’m talking about being a super-size Big, Beautiful Woman.

I know I’m not everyone’s favorite flavor of pound cake, and let’s be real, you’re probably not mine... that doesn’t mean we both aren’t someone’s flavor, so our differences aside, let me sort of rant about how it feels to be “pretty for a big girl”... a fetish as a sexworker... while also demisexual.

Firstly, for me, demisexual means that I can’t become sexually aroused by you unless we’ve got a long time, trusted, emotional connection. So unsoliciteds in my inbox literally do nothing and will add nothing to your need to seek the thrill. I’ll probably just... delete it and block ya, really. I mean... what am I supposed to do? Everyone has the thing you’re showing me. It’s not special. Like, okay?


Secondly, I categorize as ssBBW, BBW, and MILF - though I am not a mother, I give off a motherly appearance sometimes. I am very good at these categories and am sometimes paid to persue the roles of these... categories. So telling me that I’m unattractive just because I’m obese is merely you’re opinion. So how do I feel about that? Indifferent, I guess.

Thirdly - how I feel about being a demisexual fetish. This is where it gets weird. I feel flattered that I’m seen as attractive, but I get so annoyed when people beg me for free stuff. I have a special handful of “puppies” that get my special attention and they earned that spot by treating me like a human first, an adult second, and a service third.

Um, real talk, I’m “using” delta 8 right now and my mind was just sorta racing and I felt the need to word-vomit all this out. Uh... just beause we don’t look sexy to you... does not mean we owe you our femininity or attractiveness... and... just because you are insecure and disrespectful does not mean that I owe you my body, photos, words, mind, soul, or mere thoughts.

Reblog or ghost girl blah blah your house blah blah 3am blah blah sandwich.

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Metalgamer420's profile picture

Bbw been one of my fetishes for awhile

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;) Rightt?

by Jessica Snow; ; Report


GRIFFEN's profile picture

Being big is a fetish?? It's pretty but I didn't know it was a fetish

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Haha, yep. We're called BBW/ssBBW and there are people who like us specifically because we're larger. Some even go so far as to call themselves fat fetishists.

by Jessica Snow; ; Report