guys im sooooo coooll and sooooo silly (i have a mock ap exam tmr....erm) but anyways i just wanted to talk about like changing and being afraid that this growth and change isn't some improvement on how expression is in oneself but a change to oneself, personality wise and mind wise i suppose. (why did i switch to formality um i didnt mean to sowwy) continuing though, i kind of been thinking about... » Continue Reading
Growth, I guess. I'm not sure what this is anymore quite frankly. To anyone reading, I know I sound super fucking pretentious. Sorry about that. To update what's happened in my life, not much. I'm not sure if I ever wrote about it here, I think I did though, but I had been feeling okay yet not good. Now, I feel good. I know I'm good. Despite being good and okay and being in a "better" place, » Continue Reading
i haven't written anything in a while. not just on here but in my personal journal as well. no one cares to know but thats okay, i've been trying to keep up with my school work and things have changed a bit. i'm definitely doing better than last month. however, i have lost many friends. i feel as if i've fallen off somehow. i don't really do anything but i mean it in the sense that- i've fallen ou... » Continue Reading
Unwalkable Cities and disconnection (originally written 1/22/24) (i'll probably turn this series of bulletins into blogs for the people who might care for this subject.) » Continue Reading
does anyone care about the future really? (originally written 1/22/24) (honestly this is more of a blog topic, but i feel it fitting to share with anyone who sees or cares to » Continue Reading
for the past week i have been posting a blog each day. they're usually trackings and loggings of my thoughts or progress since the beginning of the year. today's the last day. my weekend ends when i wake up tomorrow. i want to continue to post a blog each day, for one week, for each month. i wanna dissect my feelings, thoughts, and relationships as the year goes on. i wanna share my ambitions and ... » Continue Reading
today is the second to last day of my 'one blog every day, for one week, for one month.' i was thinking of a topic and thought to discuss dreams. i don't usually have them but that's also not counting daydreams. whenever i do have dreams they're all weird. they'll involve people i know or don't know, sometimes they're more horror-ish, sometimes they're near lucid but not fully in control. (that's ... » Continue Reading
i've been told that i don't need therapy and that therapy won't work for me. however, i am also told that holistic healing is the way to go. now, i'm not the type to be against natural remedies and things of that nature. i have friends and family members who believe in that kind of thing. i do not. i believe in logical thinking and try not to think too hard about what happens afterward, what magic... » Continue Reading
today in RTTC we had to write an essay about either identity, experiences that shaped who you are, or a ticket and where or what you'd do with it. i didn't do it. we also had an interview where the teacher would pick us out one at a time and ask us, "what are two careers/career ideas you have in mind? what schools are you thinking of?" im passionate about things, but i have a problem where i'm not... » Continue Reading
(quick note: i might not continue every train of thought that i start. sorry. i kind of made this with the intention to just get my thoughts out tonight. i might revisit this topic again, but have this at what it is. i hope you enjoy.) today i'll be talking about Being. Being and identity. specifically, i'll be talking about my being and identity. i wanna share who i am because maybe it'll help me... » Continue Reading
i think im confident when i say i want to continue and do this. i want to map out and voice my thoughts for myself and anyone else willing to read them. maybe im entertainment, maybe i'm thought provoking, or maybe i'm just like any other stupid teenager and you ignore this. i don't really care. i think that has beauty to it, truly. after recent events, i'm currently in a "good" or an "okay" state... » Continue Reading
this might be more philosophy, but i dont really are about that right now. right now, i want to talk about recent events in my life that have made me sort of, go down hill. my fear of religion has sort of exploded and led me down the shitter. it started off as a fear of who i am and getting caught while still hiding that aspect of who i am. currently, or more recently, its been me being told that ... » Continue Reading