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Category: Life


Unwalkable Cities and disconnection

(originally written 1/22/24)

(i'll probably turn this series of bulletins into blogs for the people who might care for this subject.)

  i am not done talking about the disregard of empathy, care, connection, etc. i was able to let out a whole spiel and blown out rant to my mother about the topics on my last bulletin. you see my little title; you know the topic of this bulletin. 

This lack of care isn't just one in social spaces of built communities like school, the work place, and more. It can be found in the entire infrastructure of the U.S or our communities in general. Most neighborhoods don't have sidewalks. Most of the spaces we drive to have no means of walkability. Our spaces are built to be left and arrived to in the privacy of our cars. This is by no means saying we need less privacy, but it is to implore to you the issue of great disconnection. People can't see each other and interact. Our connection continues to die out due to the very basis of our environments and digitalized social spaces. It can be awkward to try and talk to a stranger, whether it be a quick question or to try and genuinely become friends. The lack of actual proximity, little physical contact, and actual connection make it worse when we talk about social media. These communities built off social media and social media presence do the very opposite of what they are trying to achieve at times. They make any form of connection more difficult. Again, this is by no means an attempt to invalidate true connections formed through social media spaces. But we are losing connection. The people are losing less time of genuinely loving and living. Having to constantly work to survive, driving in solitude, and no actual contact make this very issue grow. Maybe it's not something we can fic right now, but I am confident that there is people who care, there is people who won't let issues like this plague into the mind of people and create psychological or emotional issues. This very sense of disconnection can lead to disconnection from oneself, inability to socialize normally, and just feeling alienated and alone. This isn't something anyone wants to grow. Someone has to care and there are people who do. Please, I implore to you, don't shit on me for this, for caring. I want what's best. doesn't everyone?  

2 Kudos


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