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18, NJ - She/Her

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Social Media...(03/27/2023)

Category: SpaceHey

    So, I'm probably going to be moving everything social media related to this site only. I will exclusively use this to msg, post, and whatever else...   I'm sick of twitter, I'm sick of instagram. I wish everyone would use SpaceHey for blogging and stuff. Remember when people would just simply tell you about their day, or they'd take a video about what they did that day? I feel that some of the » Continue Reading

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YO YO YO!!!! (06/17/2023)

Category: Life

    I haven't been on in a while...a lot has happened. I graduated highschool, I switched my room around and I've progressed in music. My sibling no longer lives with me.   I have posted a little art and whatever on my instagram. I've started watching new shows. I love 12 oz. mouse. I love Check it out with dr. steve brule. Hilarious. Today I'm going to a hrift store. Hoping to find xbox games and... » Continue Reading

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My Relationship With My Mom SUX (04/20/2023)

Category: Life

   My mom has been really just seems like she is revealing worse parts of herself everyday. She isn't how I assumed to be. I hate it.   She doesn't understand what kind of scar her or others have left on me since I was little. She thinks getting beaten by your parents is being taught to respect. No, I wasn't regularly beaten by my parents, but occasionally other rela » Continue Reading

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What's up!!!! (04/19/2023)

Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

   HIIIII what is up good morning....I am soooo excited 4 summer. My teacher says he will take me to coffee shops and stuff so then I can get a feel for tha place, then maybe I can play music there. Or we'll just go there 2 talk. I luv him. He is the nicest man I have met so far...    My other teacher, she says I can babysit her kid and I am kinda excited for that. I luv her so much I just hope I ... » Continue Reading

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Drag And Tha Gays...(03/28/2023)

Category: Religion and Philosophy

    So...they want to ban drag.    What they really want to do is hurt lgbt people.    They say the kids will be confused, but let me speak from my own experience. when I was little, as young as four, I didn't think of it as anything. I never had a thought of, "only men and women can be together" or "men and men being together, and women and w » Continue Reading

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Category: Romance and Relationships

    I broke up with him...I wasn't feeling very attracted to him anymore. Also, he's been such a dick! When I'd come to him, trusting him, thinking he'd at least listen to me and my issues and try to help me the best he could. He told me I am MISERABLE to be around, and that my sibling is much better than me in the sense that they aren't "miserable".    I think that I'm going t » Continue Reading

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I Know The Key To Fame...(03/21/2023)

Category: Music

    Okay, so I've been looking at the similarities between Lady Gaga and Lana Del Rey. Call me fucking crazy but I'm saying this right now bitch!   Okay, so, Lana started out with her actual name, so did Gaga. However, Gaga went by a stage name okay. Lana kept the name Lizzy Grant for a long time. So, Gaga is performing in bars and singing and playing her piano. L » Continue Reading

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Messages (03/20/2023)

Category: Friends

    I miss getting msgs on here! If you guys ever want to msg me go ahead! we can talk about musix, books tv, common interests or whatever...I also talk a LOT so you wouldn't have to worry about holding a conversation for very long    This place is meant for making friends, or just acquaintances and I'd luv to talk to ppl more than I do. Don't be afraid, you're probably not the » Continue Reading

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My ex...AND MORE!!! (03/20/2023)

Category: Life know how my ex said he was gonna die? Well, a month after that, I saw him at the MOVIE THEATER. My boyf also called him a few days before and he PICKED UP!!! I knew he was lying. He's such a pvssy. GAWD.    I also have anxiety meds now. Which is awesome. I just got them though. Oh and a therapist. I've been sooo stressed. UGH.   » Continue Reading

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Gross People!!! (02/06/2023) TW: creepy ppl, nsfw

Category: Life

TW: NSFW, PEDOS Okay, so... It all started when I said if you think bandaids for aesthetic are hot, you're gross. That's all. Then the guy who posted it said, "grow up"...this started making, I guess, people who follow that person and follow others associated with that person to come an » Continue Reading

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TW!! Su1c1de MY EX!!!! (01/30/2023)

Category: Romance and Relationships

  My ex has posted that he's know, end it. And then he sent me this HUGE message about it. Like, how I was the best, I deserve the best, and all that. The only reason I don't care if he did it is because:   1ALL he did was lie. Everything. He threatened to hurt me.  2Also, he probably wouldn't do it anyway cause he is sooooo lame. And weak.   Why is it that guys always wanna do that be... » Continue Reading

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