updated dni/bmf!! dni: basic dni (racist, homophobic/transphobic, ableist, proship/comship, etc.) people who genuinely don't like animals for no reason pro-ana/pro-ed/pro-sh... i don't know why there are people who encourage these unhealthy behaviors. i genuinely believe that you need to seek help if you express these behaviors, either from a professional or just talking to a friend who wants to h... » Continue Reading
like i feel like the creepypasta fandom has hyped them up so much and made them their own things that a lot of people forget that the source material is actually hilarious sometimes 😭 like the original jeff the killer story is so funny at parts i SWEARRRR. like the first little bit with the newspaper excerpt interviewing the little boy is so fucking funny like WHAT LITTLE BOY JUST SAYS "Those cold... » Continue Reading
me? personally? people can ship WHATEVER they want (as long is it isn't like- illegal) but also me? personally? GAMBIT WILL ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYSSSS be best with rogue like i said, ship him with whoever you want!! obviously you don't have to listen to my opinion, i'm just some random guy on the internet who you'll probably never see/hear from again after reading this (unless you're one of my friend... » Continue Reading
so one day about a year or so ago, i was really hungry yeah?? and i didn't know what to eat... and then i saw this chocolate cake/brownie thing on the counter and i was like "oooooh don't mind if i do!!" and ate a piece and i noticed that it tasted like... SUPER weird. did not taste like a normal chocolate cake. and then my heart dropped because i thought to myself "is this what an edible tastes l... » Continue Reading
omfg some au's that marvel has made are just like... UGH. trying so hard to be edgy and shit and like- making my favs bad people... like THEY'RE FUCKING SUPERHEROES. LET THEM BE GOOD GUYS like the ultimate comic universe... (earth-1610 comicverse, mainly ultimatum) is just a PRIME example of how they fucked up all the cool guys. like quicksilver and scarlet witch are siblings, right?? brother and ... » Continue Reading
ever want to draw but don't know WHAT to draw??? here are some silly ideas that i've used to rip myself out of art block and actually draw something for once 1. draw your friend's fav character: ask your friend what they're fav character is atm and draw them!! makes a nice gift for your friend too 2. outfit swaps: swap your ocs/favorite characters' outfits!! 3. draw your fav as miku: idk why but i... » Continue Reading
now you're probably wondering "yeah duh a lot of people wish they could kiss boys" or "what's stopping you from kissing boys??" it goes a little deeper than just kissing boys in general.... like not just kissing them but like- dating boys. loving other boys while still being seen as a boy by them whenever i watch a movie or shows where two guys kiss, or i see a picture of two guys kissing, or i re... » Continue Reading
my mom's bf is planning a day trip so i can see my bff.... he's really the most awesome guy my mom's ever dated like he listens and he cares and he doesn't make fun of me like my dad does.... he was so quick to calling me michael when he found out i'm trans. he's known for like a month. my actual dad has known for almost an entire YEAR and he STILL won't call me by my name my mom's bf tells me, my... » Continue Reading
if you've looked at my profile/bulletins/blogs/know anything about me i'm like- a HUGE huge marvel fan. however, i DO have a high appreciation and respect for superman!!!! like he's the only dc character i like- REALLY like. batman's a close second but i've come to truly appreciate superman quite a lot!!! like he's a guy with so much power and instead of using that power for evil he uses it for go... » Continue Reading
i remember when scott and jean were talking to cable in the season 1 finale every day. where jean and scott telepathically communicate with him in that diner. when jean helped scott control his powers for that one moment, just so he could really see cable eye-to-eye. jean noting that they're good eyes, and scott emphasizing that they're cable's now, too. and scott looking into cable's eyes, saying... » Continue Reading
highlighted text leads directly to the films when clicked!! spider-man: back to basics : this one's a full-length fanfilm (around 1 hour 28 minutes long)!!! it's a very neat take on spider-man and is actually a sequel to another film called spider-man: power and responsibility , and a third movie called spider-man and the spe » Continue Reading
when i say dreamcore i do NOT mean all those eyeballs and mushrooms and that "erm... i think i've been here before..." nonsense!!!!!! i'm talking those images without humans/human body parts, no object headed people either... like the kind of dreamcore where it *actually* feels like you've been there in your dreams before i feel like it was ruined a little when people started putting eyeballs and ... » Continue Reading