i remember when scott and jean were talking to cable in the season 1 finale every day. where jean and scott telepathically communicate with him in that diner. when jean helped scott control his powers for that one moment, just so he could really see cable eye-to-eye. jean noting that they're good eyes, and scott emphasizing that they're cable's now, too. and scott looking into cable's eyes, saying that final line,
"i love you, son."
i couldn't help but tear up a little, and it still affects me to this day. i wondered why it affected me so much at first, until it hit me: i've never heard those words from my own father.
yes, my dad tells me he loves me, but not as his son. only as his daughter. i never got to hear him call me his son, unless it was in a joking manner to make fun of me. some days, i wonder if he really still loves me at all. that one line from scott was the one thing i wanted to hear my own father say to me. and in that moment, i felt like i was living vicariously through cable.
that scene can have another meaning to you/make you feel differently than i do, or it might not even affect you at all. but like many moments in x-men '97, it really stuck with me. often times when i think of that scene, it breaks me all over again. i'm tearing up right now just writing about it! but that's what i love about x-men '97. there's a lot of scenes like these that really stick with me long after watching them. and rewatching them gives me more opportunities to interpret them in my own way, and find a way to relate them to my own life.
tl;dr, x-men '97 makes me cry sometimes, but it's still my favorite show of all time. :)
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