HELLOOOOOOOOOO i'm so excited about this one!!! I HAVE CREATED A MSN!! Thanks to the guys of Escargot! They basically have most MSN versions FULLY WORKING!! I'M SO HAPPYYYYY As you can see i have personalized it all pink for Luka Megurine, and well also I don't have any contacts but... YOU CAN ADD ME AT ps020ai@escargot.chat I love » Continue Reading
HEYOOOOOOOOO YES!!! I HAVE MADE ANOTHER odottemita??? but this is different... because it's not only the dance, ITS ALSO THE WHOLE OP!! like the different scenes and stuff!! It's kinda cringy but it was fun to record » Continue Reading
dude, is this an error?? or did spacehey just WIPE everything that isn't the Latin Alphabet ?? all of my blogs in japanese are just ''????''... Man I hope they fix this,, » Continue Reading
Heyoo!! it's me felix! recently i've been getting into vocaloid covers! specially luka ones (bc she's my favourite vocaloid like ever). Since i'm new at this, my tuning isn't so special, i don't really I stand out in anything BUT! i like to pick songs that don't have any or just 1 luka cover, so luka lovers can enjoy different versions made by different plp with different tuning. SOOOOOOOOO HERE G... » Continue Reading
HEYYYY this year i want to make more blogs (not like this one just pluging my bitview Channel, but actual blogs lol) bc i don't really use spacehey but i REALLYYY like the concept! Sooo Here's a remake of the dance Hare hare yukai! From the anime haruhi suzumiya no yutsu. It's werid bc i haven't been able to finish the anime so idk but i remember finding the dance when i was young and i was so ama... » Continue Reading
i've been trying to download a DLC for Project diva F 2nd BECAUSE OF MY STUPID INTERNET IT KEEPS CANCELING, IT'S BEEN 4 HOURSSSSSS PLEASE HELP Anyway that's the caption for this photo thankyou for reading » Continue Reading
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/*==========⚠️========== * for colors go to https://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-names * for fonts go to https://fonts.google.com * for cursors go to https://icons8.com or https://www.cursors-4u.com ============⚠️==========*/ * { cursor: url('https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1054.cur'), auto; } a:hover { cursor: url(https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1049.cur » Continue Reading
/*==========⚠️========== * for colors go to https://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-names * for fonts go to https://fonts.google.com * for cursors go to https://icons8.com or https://www.cursors-4u.com ============⚠️==========*/ * { cursor: url('https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1054.cur'), auto; } a:hover { cursor: url(https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-11/cur1049.cur » Continue Reading