the "posted on:" and "expires on:" don't show up properly, the font's wrong, there's a random blank line above all the comments and the shop page gives you a 403 (forbidden access) if this continues to be broken i'm officially moving to myspace46 . hopefully this is temporary, but if it isn't, you know where i'll be. » Continue Reading
We all know that the Amiga rules, right? Wrong. Some stupid people wrongly say that the Atari ST is better. I will not stand for false slander like this. This is why the Atari ST is plastic gargbage that shouldn't be considered a good » Continue Reading
Since the metaverse seems to be the second wave of the dotcom bubble, it seems to me like there's something that, if done right, could end up really succesful. In the near-ish future, the metaverse could be a big thing, and, if so, there would be lots of buisnesses trying to cash in on the craze. However, some companies might not be able to afford the equipment required to develop for the metavers... » Continue Reading
times new roman is great. my thoughts would be in times new roman if they were on a computer. when used with actual good english it looks professional but in all lowercase and no punctuation it looks almost awful and i love it to pieces » Continue Reading
midis are great because: most files use less than 100KB (basically nothing) since its not just a sample, it can change dynamically on the fly can run on any pc since 1995 (?) sound like 80's synth to my ears which to me is a plus » Continue Reading
ok so within the past couple of years, these weird things have been happening where i imagine something while im bored or something and then maybe a year later it actually happens and when this happens i know about it like a few seconds later??? i know that de ja vue (or however its spelt) exists but recently its been like a weekly thing and i thought i should say it somewhere » Continue Reading
ive seen that its more common to have loads of stuff in one blog post instead of just saying a single word, so this is a compilation of thoughts that could have been spread out into 84,672 blog posts to get more ad revenue. farts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if you make a mistake in public, my thinking is that, unless you really goof thi... » Continue Reading
pacman sucks. here's why: pacman is an ugly shade of yellow and it looks bad on the black background the game is too repetitive they smell funny » Continue Reading
hexagons are cool because you can make a hexagon out of hexagons which means that you can have a hexagonal house with haxagonal tiles and there wont be any weird tiles » Continue Reading
the sun is bright and it gives us light and warm so we can be ahappy but sometimes the sun goes away and we have tje moon instead = :( but the moon reflects sun light which means that we can still have the sun at the nightr :DD » Continue Reading
water is good for you becauseit has lotsw of healthy minerals in it which makes you stronger and things but it doesnt habe the tbad things in other drinkslike coca cola that make it bad plus it's free basically veverywhere which means you can drink as much of it as you like!! » Continue Reading