This is mostly for myself but if it helps any of you I'm glad!! People are going to look at your search history and you're not gonna be able to do anything about it. What if someone tries to summon you? » Continue Reading
Okay so I drew Popee the performer or whatever and honestly it was suppose to be just a quick doodle and two hours later here we are. Anyway help me pick a filter please please PLEASE!!!!!!!! Your help is much appreaciated if anyone does respond to this lmao Burn » Continue Reading
My brothers are so fucking annoying and I feel like when I was younger I wasn't scared to beat them up but now I kinda am, not that I'm scared of them but I just don't wanna hurt them, but I do, they are little arrogant bricks that will not learn anything with gentle parenting, they don't even listen to their own mother so like wtf And she is like the embodoment of gentle p » Continue Reading
Let's talk about dreams and nightmares !! So when I was younger I used to have a lot more nightmares then I do now. Which is bad but also great I don't have as much anymore. My nightmares used to be really graphic and vivid and I was honestly quite disgusted. Eventually i got used to them, its like if you watch horror movies or gore every night, eventually you're numb to it. Well now » Continue Reading
Yesterday my grandmother visited the city and came by our house and later when she was about to leave she asked if i wanted to go with her, I asked when she's gonna bring me back and she said wednesday or well during this week, so I said okay since I need to make myself busy anyway. I also thought a friend I had plans with was gonna come on friday bc she told me she would. Now today my friend text... » Continue Reading
I'm going outside with a friend from school today and I keep telling myself it's not a date and idk why. Am I subcontiously hoping it is? Or is it just bc I haven't seen her in a while and the only other thing that would make me nervious to meet a person is indeed a date. Yeah that's probably it. Anyway we're gonna go ride our bikes and then swim !!! Yippieee (had to wake up earlier bc she wanted ... » Continue Reading
Okay so I found this picture on pinterest and it reminded me that everything from my past is like, I don't remember a lot from my childhood, ig that's a trauma response BUT i also don't rememeber like some things i have done recently, it just feels like everything is melting together and its quite hard for me to point out when exactly i did some things. However some things » Continue Reading
One of my friends invited me to play volleyball with her, her friend and bf tomorrow, also she asked if I have any friends to invite (I have basically no friends in the city since I just recently moved here [last summer] and I am horrible at social interactions lol) however I do have classmates or people I have met in school or in student council (surprising I even am in the student council) so I ... » Continue Reading
Some games I enjoy and uneccesary info. 1. Stardew Valley Okay when I first played it I thought: "oh wow cozy game about farming and stuff yay" and well I was not wrong but it is soo much more then that. It's more rushing to get things done on time and keeping » Continue Reading
First blog..or whatever lol You know I've never been much of a blogger or writer for that matter. Sure I did write silly little stories when I was younger but other then that I've never stuck with it, like many things I have tried in life. One thing has stuck with me, that is art. I've made art ever since I knew how to hold a crayon and draw some lines on a paper » Continue Reading