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Category: Games

Games !!

Some games I enjoy and uneccesary info.

1. Stardew Valley

  • Okay when I first played it I thought: "oh wow cozy game about farming and stuff yay" and well I was not wrong but it is soo much more then that. It's more rushing to get things done on time and keeping the friendships good and keeping the town in check lol. Ofc you can play it any way you want, that's what I really like about Stardew Valley. You have the freedom to pretty much do whatever you want but if you want to do missions or tasks for the townspeople or the town itself you are free to do so. 

2.  Minecraft

  • Minecraft has been a game I have pretty much grown up with, though I never got to play it in a laptop or a computer when I was younger and I kinda felt like I was missing out but I did get to play with a few of my friends sometimes and it was a lot of fun. Eventually i got to play it in my laptop too which is different then playing in a phone, obviously. Anyway again this game has so much freedom, you are able to do anything your heart desires, your imagination is the limit!! 

3. Spiritfahrer

  • This has been my comfort game since I discovered it!! It's about helping spirits go on to the afterlife.  You sail the sea with a ship and can upgrade it, making houses for the spirits until they are ready to move on. It's kind of a sad game since each character you meet eventually has to move onto the afterlife but it's still an amazing game and I wish more people knew about it lol.

4. Portal and Portal 2

  • I played the first Portal game trough basically all at once, I quite like the games where there's a person or a narrator speaking to you as you play, of course there's gotta be the freedom of choice, nothing wrong if you like games that tell you exactly what you have to do but personally they aren't my cup of tea. Portal 2 seems to be more focused on the storyline as far as I've understood and the first Portal game is more focused on the puzzles. But I haven't finished Portal 2 and I also heard there's Portal Revolution or whatever which I want to check out as well!!

5.  The Stanley Parable

  • An amazing game, made me feel less miserable when I was struggling lol. As I said I love it when games have narration or well yeah!! And you do have the freedom to do basically anything you want and get a different ending almost each time!! It has been a while since i played it, maybe I'll play it again someday :)

6. The Sims 4

  • Begged my mom to buy it for me (Only for it to be made free like 5 years later or so) and then played it as a dress up game mostly lol. Once I learnt how to add mods my laptop was STRUGGLING to keep going, well I'm sure the sims is very dear to many and brings back memories of the good old times (talking like I'm 70 now lmao)

That's it for now!! (I'm too lazy to write down the others rn)

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