First blog..or whatever lol
You know I've never been much of a blogger or writer for that matter. Sure I did write silly little stories when I was younger but other then that I've never stuck with it, like many things I have tried in life. One thing has stuck with me, that is art. I've made art ever since I knew how to hold a crayon and draw some lines on a paper, I've also done music in the past. There's a funny story with that actually.
So at first I wanted to go learn guitar, ever since I learnt what it was I knew I wanted to play it, to be specific I wanted to sing while I play the guitar. So after one of my friends went to music school I wanted to go too, I wanted it so badly I begged my mom until she let me go to music school. Of course as we all know, music school means actually studying and practicing and basically going to two schools at once, which I had not thought of, well of course i hadn't, I was like 9 or 10. Well I went there, first day, I was so nervous. I was greeted by a man who taught the drums, he asked me what i wanted to learn in this school and I told him i wanted to learn the guitar but turned out the guitar teacher had like a million students already, Then he started introducing me to other instruments and also teachers who taught them. Nothing seemed to interest me much or I was just too shy to say anything so we went trough many instruments and classes until we got to the flute teachers class.
I was greeted by a very interesting woman, she said: "So you want to learn flute huh?" or something along the lines of that. I again did not know, my dreams of learning the guitar had been just ruined, I had no more plan. She gave me a flute and told me to blow in it, I did as I was told and it actually kind of made some kind of sound. She was really happy about it and said: "This instrument was made for you!"
And so I started my seven year long journey in the music school. I also started learning piano in third or fourth grade in music school and saxophone in fifth. Fun fact! Saxophone and flute are quite similar in the sense of the finger placement, that is actually the only similar thing about those two, made it a bit easier for me to learn saxophone though!!
Well now I have graduated, I'm learning to be a baker in a school that focuses on practical rather then sitting behind a desk and memorizing, of course apart from the baking we do have to sit behind a desk a bit too, for math and physics and English and literature and so on. Sometimes i wonder whether or not I made the right choice, well only time will tell.
Oh and I also am learning the guitar now, slowly but surely. I guess dreams really can come true if you're willing to work for them to do so.
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