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Category: Life

Life as it is !!

I haven't posted here for a hot minute so I suppose it is time yet again to overshare for strangers on the internet!!

I went to Cyprus for a week, it was my third time going there now, it was nice. I saw sooooooo many cats! And also climbed a mountain, I swear if my country had mountains I probably would live on one. I really really love them!!

There was also an orange cat, well many orange cats but this one specifically was like extra friendly, probably because it is a way to get tourists to feed him lol

Our hotel room was in such a great place honestly, from one side was the pool which I didn't use because it was too cold outside and I really didn't want to get sick, which I eventually did anyway and on the  other side was the balcony, which I could see the cats hangout place!!

So I saw all sorts of drama from my balcony!!

Like, there was this orange cat who by the end of the trip started coming to our balcony specifically and one night he came up to the balcony and we just sat there together while the other cats that were chasing him didn't come up there. Anyway he had a gf and then some bigger cat tried to chase the gf down and well yeah there was quite the drama.

There was also a really cute whiteish cat with brown spots, that one was quite afraid and well there were a lot of cats overall.

On the plane to Cyprus and back home I started writing in a diary so I suppose I'm doing that now haha

After I got home I had to compete in a confectionary contest, made a pretty cake with my friend and we got second in our class!!

I also did all the work i had missed out on and all that fun stuff!!

I have a friend who's willing to teach me math and I asked him to give me some tasks to do on my own and then see where i get stuck on and what questions I may have so I did those too. ALSO I got the most simple physics test ever!First of all I could take it home and use whatever i deemed fit for it and second the answers were already written down in class so it was all copy and paste. There were 8 questions in total, two were calculations and other 6 were just questions about light and such. If I had like a day or two to study beforehand I probably could have done it without all the help from my notebook but yeah.

I think the reason I'm so willing to learn physics and kind of enjoy it is because when I was younger I had a great physics teacher but that's not all! She also gave students who got a good grade stickers or would put smiley faces when one got a good grade and sad faces when they did not. I suppose that in a way trained my brain to love it, like dogs with clicker training. In contrast my math teacher was awful, I mean not as a person, he was very sweet and all but all we did was write down from what he wrote for us and move on. I barely got through it all because I simply had not been taught anything, I could have done the same thing at home by myself and probably would have understood more. Oh well, the more you know.

Anyway that is all for now because I'm very sleepy and my eye has been all irratsted and ichy for the whole day for no apperant reason, have a great rest of your life stranger!!!


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