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"World's Second Best Debater"

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3 Comments— 4 Kudos

Day 118...Nevermind...

Category: Life

For once, I don't relate to Hamlet but I relate to Othello, that's my roundabout way of saying... I got cheated on. Except Othello didn't even get cheated on, it was in his head, I did, so I have it worse. It certainly feels terrible.  Small vent Career guidance  Started reading blue flag, found out I'm a blue... Next book(s)! New films!  Til I die (another small vent, I'm sorry guys) Song instead... » Continue Reading

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2 Comments— 14 Kudos


Category: Life

Ummm...guys...I did it! I got a girlfriend!! Im feeling especially cruel today I shall leave all the details at the end. I know, I'm evil! Coffee review again! Literally did nothing! In my Meadow Soprano Arc! Moth has an existential crisis (NO QUOTE TODAY, SORRY) OH BOY! BIG NEWS! Sooooo, I have successfully lowered my coffee intake to one cup every day, we're making progress! However, my parents ... » Continue Reading

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1 Comment— 6 Kudos

Day 116 of watching Paul Thomas Anderson movies and then realizing, thats not even what i was referring to

Category: Life

I may have missed a few days....whoops but listen guys, the moth fan stans aren't the only ones suffering okay, I'm suffering! I'm feeling like Pi from Life of Pi with how much I'm suffering except I didn't have to go through 227 days alone at sea or have to come to terms with the guilt of killing someone or struggling with faith or going blind but guys, I haven't had time to read or watch the Sop... » Continue Reading

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— 4 Kudos

Day 115 of reading Paul Allen's blog

Category: Life

Oh boy! Big news! These past few days have been rough! Like damn! I'll fill you guys in as per the usual. Why does this keep happening!! Anyone else but ME! Let's see Paul Allen's blog... The endless hunt for inspiration The Altos! Quote of the day!! Guys, guess what happened to me again and if you guess correctly...I'll ummm...I'll give you...a....medal or something, if you guessed that my power ... » Continue Reading

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— 4 Kudos

Day 114 of MOTH GEAR!

Category: Automotive

TONIGHT! Moth gets involved in the TEACHER MAFIA????!!!! Moth almost gets MALWARE?????!!!!! Moth has 189 IQ??????!!!!!! Moth is OVERWORKED????????!!!!!! Moth consumes NICOTINE ON ACCIDENT????!!!! Quote of the day ...ON MOTH GEAR!!!! The top gear bit originated because my science teacher loves top gear and this fragrance influencer on tiktok named Jeremy Fragrance? She's hip with the kids. Anyw » Continue Reading

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— 2 Kudos

Day 113 of going back to school like the deftones song

Category: Life

Alright fellas, vacation arc over! Time to lock in and get some work done, get into some universities, let's goooooo.  So long it hurts  My beloved  Yellowface recap Short burst of motivation  Hamlet who? I'm literally Dorian Gray Quote of the day Why oh why! Oh woe is me! First day back at school, like the deftones song but we are not Barack, it's actually joever! I'm already so Don with school, ... » Continue Reading

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— 4 Kudos

Day 112 of ending the perrrrrrrfect day in the perrrrrrfect wayyyyyyyy

Category: Life

Oh what a day! Quite literally an emotional Rollercoaster! We'll get into it! You know the drill... Grocery run!  Woe to all (but mostly me ;;) Daytrippers!  City slickers! Perfect (way to end the Perfect) day Quote of the day Hectic day. Our cousin said she was coming over, the lawyer one I keep mentioning. I mention her quite often but we don't see each other that often so I cherish the times we... » Continue Reading

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1 Comment— 7 Kudos

Day 111 of falling in love with the world through the eyes of a girl who's still around the morning after

Category: Life

This is mostly about yesterday so...also, I'm not all there mentally so I may slip up and say today instead of yesterday. I slip up even when I am all there.  Hard days night Tough Pill to Swallow  Manifesting again! On the TV screen Say yes Quote of the day I went to a party yesterday but before I could go, I had to do housework. Me and my sister already worked it out, we'd do everything as quick... » Continue Reading

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1 Comment— 5 Kudos

Day 110 of Evil Moth! Ooooohhhh spoookyyyyy

Category: News and Politics

Whoops, I got lazy last night, what are you gonna do? That just gives me more to talk about today. I was also lazy tonight but there's just so much tea to spill. I have much to discuss. Reading Rainbow It hurts 3 HOUR SERVICE!!! He's a real goodfella Maybe the answer is a hut in the woods Quote of the day... Okay, my favorite section of these blogs, I know you guys don't like too awful much but wo... » Continue Reading

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1 Comment— 7 Kudos

Day 109 of taking down the russian mafia with jerma

Category: Life

Today was very busy and I kind of foreshadowed today yesterday. I was like "ohhh our electricity wire snapped" and that played a major role in what happened today. We'll get into it though. I guess I've never been to electric ladyland Failed robbery!  The Great Annihilator!  I just died in your arms tonight! GET A GRIP! A DEATH GRIP! A PARRY GRIPP!  Quote of the day!  My electricity went out! Some... » Continue Reading

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— 7 Kudos

Day 108 of foreshadowing day 109

Category: Life

Today was fine, a bit of a lazy day, I won't have time tomorrow, this shit will not fly tomorrow, I gotta get through my to do list by 12. Oh! Quick disclaimer! No blog tomorrow, if there is then there is but there probably won't be. Also! In the last blog, I claimed that I couldn't bring a trans person home, I didn't mean that I would be ashamed just that I come from a very conservative household... » Continue Reading

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2 Comments— 7 Kudos

Day 107! The return of the oh wait, you're kidding, they didn't just say what I think they did, did they

Category: Life

OH BOY! BIG NEWS! Please tell me you guys get that reference. The misery has been returning after my birthday ended and as per the usual when the misery creeps in, I push it out by putting myself in the usual cycle of reading and writing. That doesn't mean that Im in a bad mood or anything. I don't wanna sound edgy but misery is something I've come to deal with, I'm just glum in general, it's weir... » Continue Reading

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