Day 110 of Evil Moth! Ooooohhhh spoookyyyyy

Whoops, I got lazy last night, what are you gonna do? That just gives me more to talk about today. I was also lazy tonight but there's just so much tea to spill. I have much to discuss.

  • Reading Rainbow
  • It hurts
  • He's a real goodfella
  • Maybe the answer is a hut in the woods
  • Quote of the day...

Okay, my favorite section of these blogs, I know you guys don't like too awful much but would it be a moth blog if I didn't mention literature. Anyway, I'm shelving Wuthering Heights for a while. I forgot I bought two whole books before I bought Wuthering Heights. I have to read Magic Mountain and Anna Karenina first. So, I started with Magic Mountain and right off the bat, this book is interesting. I love a book that can hook me right at the beginning. Every book I love is probably on one of those "best opening lines in books" lists. Magic Mountain is just so good, I love it, that's the book I got free and i can't wait to read more. I only read my minimum page count but I'm gonna read some more after this one goes up. I also started reading Yellowface, that's a booktok book but it doesn't seem like smut, I think I'm in the clear! I think I'd be worried if I read a book called yellowface and it was all smut, like that just sounds offensive. Yellowface definitely seems very tasteful for dealing with something like race in the way that it is. It's interesting. I'd give the premise but I don't feel like putting trigger warnings rn. I'm enjoying it more than I thought and the weird thing is that I actually craved some modern literature for once. No joke, I think Wuthering Heights was too much, it put me off classics and made me wanna read a booktok book! Booktok! The balance of the world is disturbed, maybe im an evil clone writing this. Evil moth be like "I want to read contemporary literature from booktok oh and I like girls my own age" I read a whole three chapters of Yellowface which isn't much but I wanted to read more too. I had to stop myself. I can't fall down this hole, I need you Kafka! Kafka, save me! Please, Kafka! Maybe I need to read The Trial again, then balance will be restored. 

Yesterday I did an ab work out and today it hurts like hell. No rambles, that's just how it is. I have nothing more to add.

The problem is, I went to a 3 hour church service this morning. Starting at 9 and ending at 12. I'm starting to think one of my mutuals may have committed some form of a biblical crime of some sorts...I was sleeping in church because cmon, it's 3 hours, leave me alone and then, I'd hear ISCARIOT and wake up like "my moot did what now???" Trippy church service. I also lied! This is an extention to the part about the ab workout, I was so stiff in the service, my stomach ached. It was a very emotional service for most of the really devout Christians because yknow, it's Easter, its good Friday. The funniest thing was when I was going up to get some communion, the father was handing it out and he leaned in close and asked "you're name is [moth], right?" Like, bro, there are people crying over here, they want their communion and you're trying to learn my name?? He used to get me confused for my sister back in the day, he'd be like "you're name is [mothster], right?" And I'd have to correct him, our names start with the same letter so I understand. His name is easy to remember, he shares a name with a culinary Master that I admire so i can make that connection easily. Nothing much else happened that I can remember, maybe I'd remember more if I didn't sleep. But listen! I try so hard to stay awake. I do really care about my religion despite how I come off but I try to live it out rather than just read the Bible. The whole love one another thing. I follow the commandments really well but do I know anything about the lore? No. Everything I know about the Bible comes from religious symbolism from other books I've read, like Life of Pi, I always reference the fact that Jesus was stabbed by a Roman soldier to sound smart but I learnt that from Life of Pi. I thought Judas Iscariot was a Greek philosopher, I get Cain and Abel confused sometimes, I'm trying though! Leave me alone! ANYWAY! its good Friday, who's your favorite disciple???? Mine is Peter, he's kinda brash and he doesn't think before he acts. When I was younger, my mom used to read me Bible stories and I'd always shake my head and facepalm whenever Peter did anything, like smh, I'd definitely trust someone if they told me to walk on water <---- most paranoid and skeptical person on the planet. There were some cute girls my age who attended the service too. My mom would be happy if I brought back a church girl. I didn't really pay attention to the older women tbh. They don't really interest me too much, yk? Im not one of those sick, disgusting people who would crush on their science teacher.

Oh yeah and I watched Goodfellas, I'll be honest, I'm not a big fan of Martin Scorsese. But this movie was good, I guess. It reminded me of Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino! Now there's a director I admire, all his feet shots. Can i tell you guys something embarrassing by the way, I remember my sister showed me a picture of someone's feet from a Tarantino movie and I knew immediately which movie it was, it was Death Proof. Anyway, Goodfellas more like Midfellas. Not a very well written movie tbh and i think the way that suspense builds up is really lame. Like there's this scene where Henry beats a guy up for coming on to Karen and like, it's just out of nowhere, who does this Marty guy think he is...smh. the only other Scorsese movie I saw was Taxi Driver and that movie is MIIIIIIDDDDDDDD! I much prefer Joker (2019) it did a much better job at the character study thing. Maybe I should stick to Christopher Nolan and Tarantino movies instead, Marty is kind of a bad director tbh... I'm not looking forward to Casino or Wolf of Wall Street or The Irishman. More like Midsino, Wolf of Mid Street and the Irishmid! I'm gonna rewatch the entire Quentin Tarantino filmography now! 

So anyway, guys. My vacation isn't very long and I haven't been getting anything done. I've been trying to but I haven't done anything. I've been thinking of just running into the woods and living in a little cabin by myself surrounded by Booktok books where I can just read modern literature and also work on my art project! I love art! I can't wait to go back next term but for now all I have is the woods. I'd go to the ocean but the salt air kinda stinks and i hate it there, you guys know how I feel about the ocean. I did see this really good video essay called The Answer is not Hut in the Woods and maybe it is, honestly. I highly recommend that video by the way, the dude mentions some classic literature or whatever, that's kinda boring though but eh, what are you gonna do, the rest is good. I'm just glad he didn't mention Hamlet, hate that play! I'm forced to watch it live on July 18th. Smh.

Oh yeah! Quote of the day! 

This one is from 

"You're either an artsmella or a smart-" shit, I fucked it up, sorry guys...

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Kafka did in fact not save me

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