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Category: Life

Day 112 of ending the perrrrrrrfect day in the perrrrrrfect wayyyyyyyy

Oh what a day! Quite literally an emotional Rollercoaster! We'll get into it! You know the drill...

  • Grocery run! 
  • Woe to all (but mostly me ;;)
  • Daytrippers! 
  • City slickers!
  • Perfect (way to end the Perfect) day
  • Quote of the day

Hectic day. Our cousin said she was coming over, the lawyer one I keep mentioning. I mention her quite often but we don't see each other that often so I cherish the times we do because our vacations don't align at all. She'd text me as I'm studying for an exam to tell me she's on holiday and when I'm chilling and watching Seinfeld, she'd call me in tears about her exam the next day. So, we were gonna watch movie together and me and my sister wanted to enjoy this moment to it's fullest so 10 am we made arrangements for out grandpa to take us to the shop for some snacks and maybe breakfast. She was coming at 12 so we had time. We got ready and then waited for our grandpa but he took a whole 2 hours, it was 12 and just as we were about to go, my cousin came. We just went with her to the store because she could also decide on what she wanted. This was meant to be a quick trip but we waited even longer just to drive there. Then we bought our stuff, we left and my mom said to buy a large packet of chips so I bought her some. Anyway, after we got our stuff, we waited and waited and waited, we waited an hour for our grandpa in the shop and then he came out and we went home. Now that I'm looking back, we didn't didn't get to eat any of our snacks. We didn't even get to watch a movie.

We got home to see some of our other cousins which was nice and then my mom scolded me out because I got the wrong chips and I was meant to buy it elsewhere, which she didn't specify by the way. So I got scolded and while my sister and cousins chatted nicely, I dried the dishes. I was upset, I don't get to see my cousins too often, one of them was even leaving the country for a while and she'll only return in like 2 weeks so I was trying to get it done as fast as possible and my mom kept sending me around and it was like an episode of the bear but there's only two people. Anyway, I finally got cut loose. With my new found freedom, me and my lawyer cousin set up an Easter egg hunt for our niece but while we did, my mom called me to the kitchen and listen, I try to be efficient, I should be efficient, I can do card tricks flawlessly without dropping a single card, for lack of better term...I'm good with my hands....sorry, I cannot think of a better term. She asked me to close the food with ten foil and I dropped it, I'm not a clutz when it comes to using my hands, I don't drop things easily but I'm human, it happens sometimes and it unrolled all over the floor and she let me have it. She yelled at me like I haven't been yelled at since I was a wee child. My sister, the Saint she was came to my defense! Mothster is so goated! It still hurt a lot, I felt emotionally wounded by what my mom said. She put it so bluntly. If you're gonna insult me, you better be sharp with your words. If you're sharp, the pain takes longer to kick in but she was so blunt, it hurt. You know that feeling before your about the cry when your heart literally aches. Also, I don't want to make her out to be bad or anything, I could not ask for a better mother but what she said hurt, she didn't just reprimand me, she insulted me. I felt so shitty after that, I could barely even form a fake smile for the guests. 

I honestly just had to get out of the house for a while after that and my other cousin, the one who had to leave for the airport had to leave so me, my sister and my lawyer cousin and their dad took her down. It was honestly a great trip. I'm not a big fan of Taylor Swift, I hear Taylor swift and I just think "mitski better" because she is and I don't have to separate art from the artist with Mitski because she actually supports Palestine unlike miss "I will use my voice to take stance politically but won't stand against literal genocide" Mitski on the other hand, she's so politically based and musically based. Anyway, I didn't mind Taylor swift this time, it was just us listening to Taylor and them dropping the lore and all the references in the lyrics. I will say this, Taylor fans, Swifties, whatever they are called, it must be fun being one of them, like there's so many cross references between songs and albums and it must feel like a little scavenger hunt when a new album comes out. My cousins are already cross referencing her new album and it's not even out yet! Well one of them is studying to be a lawyer so it makes sense. 

We dropped our cousin in the city. I'm not a city folk so I don't know what it's like, this was so new to me. The air was so full of smoke and fog, even the nature felt unnatural like each tree and plant was specifically chosen and placed in that specific place but there was a beauty to it. I've never seen buildings so large, I liked it. That's also where I plan on going to university now that there's a literal cult in the other one. It made me feel more at ease, maybe it would be nice to live there even if just for a while, maybe it would be nice to attend university there, maybe it would be nice to be away from home just for a little while. I was only there briefly but I started to feel much better. The odd thing is I usually run off into nature when I'm in one of my moods but this time the city is what lifted my spirits. I never thought that I'd say something like this under these circumstances but I can't wait to go to university. 

The whole reason why we came along was because our lawyer cousin invited us along and said she knew this cake place that she wanted to take us to but it was closed. We were disappointed but we saw a coffee place after we stopped to fill up the car and bought some nice coffee and just sat. There was a mild scare involving a declining credit card, a wallet full of cash only and big sign that said "no cash payments" but we resolved it, we got our coffee and sat for a while gazing at this billboard while drinking coffee. It was blissful. The perfect way to end the "perfect" day. 

Anyway quote of the day! I found this quite fitting, I've been looking into Ralph Waldo Emerson and his weird nature thingy he had going on, so here's the quote...

“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson 

How beautiful, this is what I like to do on a stressful or miserable day and I recommend doing the same to you if that works for you. I know not everyone has that time, I've been in that predicament these days and finally getting a chance to just escape was lovely and nothing short of it. 

Anyway, I'm a busy person and I have things to do (read all night). So I shall catch you in the next blog, good night, have a lovely day, I hope your day is just as lovely if not more lovely than my brief moment in the city. Thank you for reading as always! 

Before you go! Here!

4 Kudos


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