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Category: Life

Day 107! The return of the oh wait, you're kidding, they didn't just say what I think they did, did they

OH BOY! BIG NEWS! Please tell me you guys get that reference. The misery has been returning after my birthday ended and as per the usual when the misery creeps in, I push it out by putting myself in the usual cycle of reading and writing. That doesn't mean that Im in a bad mood or anything. I don't wanna sound edgy but misery is something I've come to deal with, I'm just glum in general, it's weird for me to be too ecstatic if that makes sense. I'm writing for too long...

  • EMAIL!
  • Nooooo beer nooooo beer! 
  • Bookclub!! 
  • New love! Deep web! 
  • Funny Dutch cartoon! 
  • Quote of the day! 

Let's start off with some bad news! I'm on vacation right now, that's just the set up, not the bad news. Anywhooo...I'm relaxing and watching Seinfeld, popping in and out of the socials, yk? It was the neo-nazi episode so I didn't give it my full attention but I enjoyed the other episodes, I'm watching, doing card tricks and all that when...I get an email. Guess who it's from! Don't guess, I'm gonna tell you, it was from my science teacher but I was not happy to receive this email. I love her so dearly but she only ever sends emails directly if a student did poorly in class. I'll be honest, I did so poorly in those tests, worst marks I've gotten in 3 years, no joke. She sent me a whole ass revision program and naturally I'd shrug it off but this is my Science teacher! I'd do anything for her! I had that whole thing I wrote where I said if she needs me I'd be there like o777 so I'm starting on that shit tomorrow! We gotta do this! Not we but me! I don't know why I still care for this woman so much, attachment issues? I don't know, I'll take it up with my therapist. 

As you all know, I'm 18 now, which means that I can date older women! But I won't because that's unethical and kind of messed up, yk? Im still in high-school but I can drink! I can gamble! I have yet to go to the casino but I have drank a beer. Here's my beer review. I was gonna do this in real time but I couldn't. I cut my hand trying to get open the bottle so that's already points off and it tasted fine on the first sip but the more I drank, the worse it tasted and I got super sick. I wanted to vomit and then I forgot I was under the influence of alcohol and I tried to go get some water but then I was so light and it made the nausea worse. I prefer a good fruity cider, yk? Get me some Bernini! Get me some lime twist! Those are goated! When my aunt visits, I'll have some because she loves those and my mom always busts those out when she comes over. I'm waiting. I told her son I'm excited for them to visit and that's partially the reason. Also her son is becoming bearable so I actually enjoy talking to him now, he's become a lot like Thomas, my mentee. I think I see the light at the end of his edgy phase, it's been a long journey, I've crawled through racism, Hitler jokes, gay jokes, sexism and all sorts of bigotry to reach this point but we're almost there! I wouldn't have been able to do it without you guys! (It's funny because you guys don't fucking know him)

Anywhooo...I finished Life of Pi and Masters of Doom, double Whammy! Life of Pi is one of the greatest books ever written, read it for yourself and read it again. The ending broke my heart, I knew what really happened on the life boat but hearing Pi confess these things was heartbreaking and there's things he doesn't say, it's left for the reader to think on. Like Pi never mentions trying to kill Richard Parker and there's a lot which you are left to decipher. Like if Richard Parker did this then that means...

Then Masters of Doom was also good, I liked it less but I enjoyed it a lot. It was really sad reading that last part and I'm gonna do an oral presentation on the book and John Carmack and John Romero because the topic is about someone making a success out of an opportunity but not being qualified for success and that fits Romero and Carmack in different ways. They were happiest outside the public eye.

Guys! New crush! We all know about my art school crush having a boyfriend and that's fine, I don't really mind. I'm always a little distraught but im allowed to be but then I don't really care because if I find someone attractive and their taken, of course that makes sense, right? Like why wouldn't they be? Are they ugly? No! I don't think this girl's ugly, so it's only natural she'd have a bf. Also, I don't find any girl ugly, yk? They're all beautiful! In fact, I think we're all beautiful Regardless of gender! Anyway, I go to this Sunday Market every week and it was eventful, I bought Wuthering Heights, update on that maybe tomorrow but for now, I have something else to share. So, at the Sunday Market there's a scrunchie stand and the person running the stall is so cute, I have to visit every week, my hair is too short for scrunchies!! Im in love though! As the song Head over Heels is playing and also I was literally talking to deniz about Song coincidences was it yesterday? Holiday fucked up my perception of time but it was recent, I'm like George in that episode where he meets a psychic. Anyway whoever this person is, im so in love. I need to be practical though, I can't be bringing home a trans person. I forgot to mention, they are trans or under that umbrella atleast. Not gonna assume any further than that but like their hair is growing, it's so cute! They always tie it up in a little scrunchie. Have I said that? I don't know, I'll fill you in next time. 

Okay, fellas! I used to interact with this one online friend I had and they had this redhead cartoon character as their pfp and I assumed it was Kim Pine from Scott Pilgrim but then, yesterday, I got recommend this weird cartoon called Ongezellig or unsociable and i saw the pfp! It wasn't Kim but some character naked Mymy. I watched that whole thing. Ongezellig is very short so its not a time sink or anything like that, it's only 23 minutes total. I loved it, it was a little bit edgy but nothing offensive. It was really funny though and I became invested, too bad it's discontinued! I highly recommend it! It's seriously worth watching, you just need to get through a few edgy jokes and it's good. I can't believe I'm saying this but I recommend the AI dub, it's actually realistic sounding and clearly had human input and not just the prompts but quite a bit of human input so that's good atleast. I could get through the og one in Dutch, I don't speak Dutch but I can understand. My native language is verrrryyyyy similar...I wonder why....I'm gonna stop that joke before I doxx myself but history buffs in chat! That's for you! History buff would also enjoy it, I got a kick out of it because Dutch History is something I know very well...I wonder, I seriously have to stop. Anyway, I got thinking, right? So this person I used to chat with was really cool and watching Ongezellig made me wanna make Contact again, its been like 3 months. Ah well! Maybe some other time, tomorrow I'm watching a movie that this person recommended me a while ago, just cleaning out the closet a little. I keep calling this person, this person because I don't know this fella's pronouns, like just put pronouns in your page, it makes it easier for everyone. 

But before I go! Quote of the day! I don't have one prepared...I asked ARCHIE and i got a really funny response but I can't access my messages rn because I'm typing this during power outage. What quotes do you guys like? If you're reading this far comment down below! What quotes do you like??? 

Sigh, I suppose I'll have to drop a Seinfeld quote...

"I'm not happy, im not lucky and...I don't go" 

I love this quote so much, it's the funniest thing ever. Anyway good night and thank you for reading this! Enjoy your time between now and the next blog! 

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🌱elizaclaire's profile picture

with the most love in my heart as someone who's been there done that, please for the love of god do not date older women lol. omg let me know if wuthering heights is good pls i've had it on my tbr forever

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Don't worry, I joke about it but i know it's unethical and all that. I'll make sure to tell if Wuthering Heights is good, I'm about to start reading it

by Slip_Moth; ; Report


Oofdini's profile picture


And yeah, beer sucks. I hate the bitter aftertaste it leaves in my mouth.

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Yooooo! You got the reference! You're so right about beer, ciders>>>>

by Slip_Moth; ; Report