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Category: Life

Day 111 of falling in love with the world through the eyes of a girl who's still around the morning after

This is mostly about yesterday so...also, I'm not all there mentally so I may slip up and say today instead of yesterday. I slip up even when I am all there. 

  • Hard days night
  • Tough Pill to Swallow 
  • Manifesting again!
  • On the TV screen
  • Say yes
  • Quote of the day

I went to a party yesterday but before I could go, I had to do housework. Me and my sister already worked it out, we'd do everything as quickly as possible so we could just go. It was a family party because do I seem like I'd get invited to any other sorts of parties. Anyway, the chores kept piling up and we had to do more than we bargained for, like hanging up the washing in the heat, I did it though. Also, quick complaint! Why are people always complaining about kids doing their own laundry? Like I get it, they need to know but in my family we do all our laundry together, if I did my own laundry, that would be selfish, then everyone else would be working on Saturday and I'd be relaxing. Actually...that's not a bad idea, I could use the study time...I don't wear a lot of clothes...I might try that. But still I always said i don't do my own laundry and people thought I was lazy, like no, laundry is a team effort in my house because we do all the laundry together so we all work together. Anyway, I did all my chores and then some! Then we geared up to go to the party.

As soon as we got there, the party hadn't begun because the birthday girl wasn't there yet so we unpacked some of the drinks and the meat and the utensils and all that. My sister pulled me aside though and she showed me something that my cousin on our group, it was another article about the cult in the university I was hoping to attend and it's an official statement from the higher ups stating that it isn't a cult or white supremacist or sexually abusive towards people who reside in that residence which is a lie, there's photo evidence to prove all of that wrong. Then just as I read that, my cousin, the lawyer one who actually attends there walked out and she said that I shouldn't go there. It's tough, I might have to go out of town which means I'll have to stay in the dorms of another university which means moving out. The weird thing is I've always watched TV shows and movies where people move for college and I thought I'd never have to do that because I live so close to a university but it's weird to actually have to realize that I'm gonna have to move out. The good news is my mom actually approves of my English major suggestion so I may do that, I can't wait! Of course Im a little scared to move out but I'm more scared of a cult which targets people like me. I've never moved in my entire life tbh, I've always stayed right here in this home and now I have to move. I also didn't think I'd say this but I'm probably gonna need a roommate too, it's easy for me to say something like "oh, I don't need a roomie" when it's so far away but this is less than a year away we're talking about and actually having to come to terms with something, it changes your perspective, you're thinking of various other factors. 

After that stressful conversation, we sat in my cousin's room and she was setting up the TV but something caught my eye. I noticed a blue book cover and with my bad eyesight and refusal to wear glasses or contacts I thought it was the cover to twilight so I asked my cousin if it was twilight. It wasn't. It was a picture of Dorian Gray and I've been looking for that book for so damn long and she just lent it to me. She wants Hamlet in exchange so I'll give her that tomorrow. Her copy of Dorian is full of annotations, I wish my Hamlet was annotated because it gives the book Character! I literally just wrote a bulletin about this. I'll start annotating my books from now on. I'm gonna have to watch those how to annotate books videos. Anyway, I also have so much to say about Hamlet but I just didn't annotate at all. I can't wait to read it though. 

I was so happy! We then got some drinks and started watching TV, we watched Curb your enthusiasm. I loved that one, it was great. I want to watch more. We watched New Girl, I wasn't too into that one, I have very specific tastes for my favorite TV shows, give me a show that borders the line between TV and reality like Nathan Fielder. Then we watched Bodies, bodies, bodies and I enjoyed that movie a lot, it was so fun until the very end and then the ending was the funniest part, I was dying of laughter. Then we watched Will and Grace and mannnnnnnn. What a show, I was very tipsy at that point and I was like staring at the screen open mouthed, like Will in that show...he can marry me now! I just admire effeminate gay men or just effeminate men in general, I see them and I feel like this connection to them, that's why I was so obsessed with Oscar Wilde. Anyway, that's not important. I was laughing so hard at everything except new girl and also Will and Grace wasn't too funny but I still love it for some reason which is beyond me. It's just a charming show even if it's not funny, like some episodes of Seinfeld. I remember though my cousin kept getting these advertisements for this delivery service that exists in my country while she was scrolling through tiktok and then she saw a onesie themed around those delivery guys for children. It was like a supermarket delivery service and it was just publicity but Imagine getting that for your child, like dream bigger than that. It made me laugh so hard, where it crossed the line and I wasn't enjoying it anymore, I was laughing so hard, I was actually fearing for my life. I was running out of oxygen. It was legit so funny it was scary. New meaning to dying of laughter.

I'm writing this the morning after and it's mellow but I'm a tiny bit hungover, I didn't drink much so it's not bad, just a mild headache. Anyway, that was an Elliott Smith reference because this morning just feels like his song, Say Yes. 

Quote of the day! 

I had one planned but let's improvise! I want an Elliot Smith quote now

"Burning every bridge that I cross to find some beautiful place to get lost."

Damn, what??? This man can write, he has such a beautiful way of thinking and writing. I'm in awe of his lyrics and his words. This basically just encapsulates all his songs. 

Anyway, thanks for reading, have a good morning everyone, well its officially noon for me, just have a great rest of your day is all. 

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Exactly! I was listening to him all night! Day ruined

by Slip_Moth; ; Report