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Category: Life

Day 116 of watching Paul Thomas Anderson movies and then realizing, thats not even what i was referring to

I may have missed a few days....whoops but listen guys, the moth fan stans aren't the only ones suffering okay, I'm suffering! I'm feeling like Pi from Life of Pi with how much I'm suffering except I didn't have to go through 227 days alone at sea or have to come to terms with the guilt of killing someone or struggling with faith or going blind but guys, I haven't had time to read or watch the Sopranos!

  • Art project more like...FART project! 
  • SuPrIse test!
  • Coffee review lost episode!!
  • Coffee PSA!!
  • PTA (not Paul Thomas Anderson)
  • Quote of the day

I'm finally gonna get done with this piece of shit, dumb ass, fuck ass dumb ass, stupid ass, fuck ass, bullfuck, buttshit, dumbfuck shit ass fucking, bullfuck, ass project. Excuse my Italian. I have to do an art project or I am finally gonna be done. This project has been hell, like hell is other people according to Satre but to me hell is my design class. I would rather have a bull take a diarrhea dump and hand that in. No I have not been watching AVGN, why do you ask? I got mothster to help me out, she wants to do design because she has a lady Boner for my art teacher, me personally, I don't get it, she just makes me sad tbh, like I pity my design teacher. I won't elaborate. Me and mothster had some good times though, we lived, we laughed, we loved. Well, she loved (my art teacher) and we both hated. It's almost over though.

On the positive side, on the day when we got back to school we had a life of pi test. Bro, I answered so confidently! I hope I did well. That's not the point though, guess what? So, on the day of my test, everyone's stressing, I'm not I read the book but everyone else is scared and then this kid, we'll call him finger because I wanna say this kid named finger came in with a practice test, he says "look at the date" and we all look, it is the test we are supposed to write and he had the memo too. I didn't look though because I had to prove to my rival that I could do this fair and square and I did! My teacher even asked me, she pulled me aside and asked if I looked and I said I didn't. I have immense respect for my English teacher, the same respect that Silvio has for Tony. Anyway, my rival did look at the memo however. All we can do is await a verdict now, it's all up in the air. Place your bets, who's gonna win? Moth or their rival!

Oooohhh lost episode! So, I was at the store yesterday and me and mothster were buying ice coffee and then I said that there was one that we haven't tried yet, it was like this chocolate milk brand trying their hand at coffee and she said that we did try it. Whoops. I forgot to review it. I honestly don't even remember if it tasted good, it's probably mid if I don't remember it, right? Not terrible though, I'd imagine, I still remember the cigarette one, I tried the vanilla flavored version of that one the other day and it tasted much better, not like cigarettes. What a terrible experience. They really took what that one philosopher said too far. Was it Camus who liked coffee and cigarettes? I don't remember, I think he said something about suicide or coffee, I always pick coffee. Anyway, not a good combination, I hate to say it but because of that, i had to bump down my review of The Stranger by Camus. It went from 4.5/5 to a 2/5, sorry Camus! Im kidding, the stranger is one of the greatest works of literature. In terms of absurdist lit, Kafka is on top though! 

Ummmm...guys...I think I might, just maybe have a tiny problem. I went from 3 cups a day to 2 cups a day because deniz relayed a quote from Twin Peaks to me something about caffeine being a drug and nicotine also being one, funny how I was just talking about the shitty, cigarette coffee, kinda poetic actually. Damn, anyway, everyone has been trying to tell me that I had a problem, just reference Twin Peaks, it's that easy! I'm not kidding, when I read that I actually thought "oh, shit, I gotta stop" and I drink less coffee now 2 cups! I think it's time to make that one cup though. I drank 2 yesterday and I had terrible heart palpitations and I told mothster and she was telling me about arithmia that's like when your heart skips a beat constantly and then bam! Heart attack! I eat really well besides the fact that I used to eat a lot of sugar and sometimes struggle with eating full meals but im eating more and I've curbed my sugar so I always thought I would evade a heart attack, not if I stick to two cups a day. Maybe we could do tea reviews or maybe decaf reviews, I must have one decaf coffee sachet around the house, I remember seeing one. Anyway, that's the future. This is now! Now! I'm sticking to one cup a day! 

My parents actually just got back from a parent teacher meeting and they met with my science teacher and math teacher. My science teacher always smiles at me before she meets my parents like while we're still in class and then I know who she's seeing later in the day. It went alright, I think. Apparently she recommends that I spend Monday afternoons in her classroom to go over work and all that. Of course I will! She's the love of my life! Anyway, she also apparently thinks very highly of me and wants to talk to me more. Listen, okay, I know I can come off as cocky and proud in these blog posts, that's how I write. I read somewhere about how in forming a relationship, platonic or no, it always starts with the two people sizing each other up in a battle of egos, showing off to one another, look at how confident I am type thing and I see writing as a relationship between reader and writer, so reader, that's what I'm doing by being so cocky and condescending, I'm sizing you up! Yeah, feel threatened! If you do actually speak to me, you'll find that I have low self esteem so it's always a surprise for me to hear compliments of any sort, like "what?? You think that??" And the other party will be like "yes! Yes! I've told you that a thousand times" and hearing that from my science teacher, my day is made! Then guess what my dad asks me when he gets home, "do you have a crush on your teacher?" I said no. Was it that obvious? I suppose so. Also, he probably saw her, she's over 30 and blonde. My parents think I'm interested in blonde women solely, like I know I love Kim Wexler and all but cmon, I feel attraction on a deeper level than just "awoooga over 30 and blonde!" I love my science teacher because she's intellectual, she's bubbly, she's kinda scary, she knows how to control a situation, she's perfect because of her imperfections. When he asked that though, I felt like Tony Soprano when Meadow asked if he was in the mafia. Anyway, I can't wait for tomorrow!

Quote of the day!! So, this one's unconventional but me and mothster have been quoting this and laughing at it non-stop. I told her the backstory first and I want you to sing out the last word of this quote please, that's how it's meant to be said, just do it, it makes it more effective, I promise. It was either this quote or an Elliott Smith one. Anyway so these two guys in my English class are arguing and it's going nowhere, the one guys name is Josh and the teacher interrupted the argument and told them to shut up so they turn away from each other and focus on English and then this other guy has to throw in one last jab at josh and we all know how high-schoolers are, being gay is the worst thing to them for some reason. So this guy, he just has to give one last jab at Josh and he starts laughing like he's proud of what he's about to say and then says this...

(Remember to sing the last word!)

"Hahaha...Josh likes meeeennnnnnn" 

And I don't know why that's so funny, mothster doesn't even know Josh but she's out here saying "Josh likes meeeeennnnnn" all the time. We can't stop quoting it. Josh likes meeennnnnnn.

Anyway, it's getting late, I did this for you, reader! I'm missing out on sleep to post this but thank you for reading for real, like actually. Anyway good night, have a great rest of your day or if we share timezones or are close by, have a good night. Josh likes meeeeennnnnn!

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Wubzilla's profile picture

People get really defensive when you suggest that coffee might be a drug, but it's true. Just ask them what happens when they stop drinking it! Some people take weeks to fully recover from the withdraw symptoms, like me.

Anyway, keep writing you're doing great!

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It's true, I've been addicted for a year now, it started with energy drinks with extremely high caffeine contents and then I moved down to normal coffee but even that is too much. It's rough out here, wub!

Anyway, I'm cooking up an entry rn! Its huge!

by Slip_Moth; ; Report