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Category: Life

Day 109 of taking down the russian mafia with jerma

Today was very busy and I kind of foreshadowed today yesterday. I was like "ohhh our electricity wire snapped" and that played a major role in what happened today. We'll get into it though.

  • I guess I've never been to electric ladyland
  • Failed robbery! 
  • The Great Annihilator! 
  • I just died in your arms tonight!
  • Quote of the day! 

My electricity went out! Some guy stole our wires again! How many time has this happened???? How many times??? Too many! That's what I say! I'm so upset about it. It's been out from the night before at 6pm up until 1pm today. There are other wires! Anyway, this has drastically hindered everything. My phone was flat, my mom's phone was flat, my sister's phone was flat, my grandpa's phone was flat, everyone's phone was flat and we couldn't communicate with each other and I was like running around the house looking for signal to keep the moth fan stans updated and I couldn't upload my blog on time either! Can you believe that? Of course you can, you guys endured not reading my blog for a long time and then I return and this happens. I had to update my friends and everyone, it was so stressful. And our food went bad in the fridge. The food we bought yesterday. I don't mind Crime because if you're not hurting others and it's for your survival I wouldn't look down on you. Like I'm not gonna look down on shoplifters or anything like that. If you must steal my cable then do it but I draw the line when a petty crime sets another working class individual back financially. Like we spent all that money on chicken and now tomorrow's dinner is spoiled, we're not poor, we'll live we have more food but the point is that we don't have money we can just throw around willy nilly. We're gonna try take it back tomorrow. Also, what an inconvenience, how am I supposed to entertain myself without a phone? You want me to read? Nooooo, I don't read! 

Also, I've been really paranoid about someone breaking into my house these days. It started when I heard this loud tapping noise outside my house and I peeped through the blinds and saw some man with big tools standing there facing my gate in like Parade rest or something and then I made my way to the peep hole, I didn't want him to see movement in the house so I did it slowly. Then there was nobody there. I was like "it's over, I'm cooked, he's gonna bring his friends and break in" Nothing happened. I've been broken into before but they were all idiots, one guy got stuck on the roof and I leisurely waited for authorities to arrive while I watched an Edgar Wright movie. Anywhooo, this time, someone stole the lock of my gate while it was unlocked so that happened and I was thinking they're gonna come back here and break it but we just found another lock and put it in. I can imagine this robber expecting an easy break in and then seeing the lock there and they just stand there with no power tools. That's almost sad. Anyway, I need to stop being so paranoid. Lime chill out, relax! Deep breath in and out, all that shit. Life is not worth stressing over. I wish I could just allow myself to be an idiot nihilist but no, I have to give meaning to my arbitrary life.

This is an interesting one. So, this morning I woke up with a notification from Google docs and I opened it to find a draft of some book. It was called The Great Annihilator based off of the Swans album of the same name by The individual and ■. I'm not kidding and I can't exactly prove it because this guy used their school account to send it to me. And why me? I don't know this person! They still sent it to me. I decided to skim it. It opened on an MC Ride quote, the dude from death grips for those out of the know, there was also a Will Wood quote or two Will Wood quotes. That's kind of funny to me actually, not that Will Wood is bad but like MC Ride and Will Wood seem like they're part of different worlds. That's my MC Ride bias showing, I love that man. I wish I could meet Ride. Will Wood on the other didn't like Hawaii part 2 or whatever that album was called. Anyway, this is a good book! I can't wait to see the full thing and I will, I have the doc. I will see this story chop and change. It made me sweat a bit ngl. I read it and deleted my drafts and then wrote a new one. Also, our protagonists share the same name and are both mentally unwell. I love writing mentally unwell protagonists. They're so fun to write. My character is just delusional and socially anxious. Who do we know that is delusional and socially anxious? I wonder...but my story is much gayer. Its about this twinkish guy who meets a more masculine dude in the woods and the two of them embark on crime together and work for this anarchocommunist who loves middle aged women (who does that remind me off...) and through that they bond and catch feelings for one another. Anyway, I had a sneaking suspicion that the person who wrote this is in the same server I'm in. I'm not too upset because they're writing is associated with one of my burner accounts that I use to sign up to a bunch of journalism sites and they're name, surname and high-school is known to me now so if anything, they're the one taking the risk. I want to talk to this person though, maybe I should email them Tomorrow and clear everything up.

When the power came back on, I was surprised that my phone didn't die, it was on 1 percent and I looked for the charger and the minute I found one, my phone died. My phone died in my hands the very minute I found a charger. How does that happen? 

I had a bad day so I get to ramble about Jerma now and you guys can't stop me. I watched Jerma play Hotline Miami. Hotline Miami was one of the first games I decided to play. I was like on my little laptop without a mouse and then I decided to download Hotline Miami and lemme tell you, you gotta play it. If you haven't then you clearly have not experienced the epic highs and lows...the triumphs and defeats of Hotline miami. I didn't even experience those highs and lows though, I didn't get very far, I don't have a mouse soooo... but I did watch video essays on it and that game is so deep. I love the aesthetic it has too. Like it's very much like Drive and Thief but also like Death Grips. The story is also amazing by the way. The way in which it's told through subtle changes in your routine is great because the game is built upon routine. Hotline Miami is a game where you do the same thing over and over and then when something changes, its huge. I saw a really cute pinterest post about the girl that Jacket saves. It's so cute. She's like his version of Irene. Also Jacket! The main character of Drive is known for No, his jacket! I wanna listen to No Love Deep Web again by Death Grips, the soundtrack is very Death Grips No Love Deep Web coded. Man, I wanna get a mouse and actually play this game. I wanna watch Drive again! I wanna watch Thief again! By the way Thief is better than Heat! Hot take! 

Quote of the day!!

Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry - Cassandra Clare

That is all for tonight, I shall love and leave you all for now, good night and thank you for reading it.

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Pato Hermano

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I played Hotline Miami and finished it, but not the second one. Hope everything gets better

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I respect you for that one! I hope you enjoyed the game by the way

by Slip_Moth; ; Report

It was a pretty good game with pretty good controls. I'm not good at hard games, but that one I was able to finish.

by Pato Hermano; ; Report