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Category: Automotive

Day 114 of MOTH GEAR!


  • Moth gets involved in the TEACHER MAFIA????!!!!
  • Moth almost gets MALWARE?????!!!!!
  • Moth has 189 IQ??????!!!!!!
  • Moth is OVERWORKED????????!!!!!!
  • Moth consumes NICOTINE ON ACCIDENT????!!!!
  • Quote of the day


The top gear bit originated because my science teacher loves top gear and this fragrance influencer on tiktok named Jeremy Fragrance? She's hip with the kids. Anyway! Teacher Mafia! I've always thought of my English teacher as the mobster of the teachers, she literally is, she extorts students and whenever I rewatch Goodfellas or watch an episode of the Sopranos, I think of her. She's the bad ass elderly woman. Not to mention if you do something wrong in her class, she assaults the students, NOT IN A BAD WAY! She just flicks them painfully on the forehead. Anyway, she literally embodies the quote in Goodfellas, "Paulie moves slow that's only cause Paulie doesn't have to move for anybody" literally my English teacher!!! I love her so, she's like a personal hero to me, like she's been all over the world and she thinks I'm a good writer! Like not just in my grade but in general!! She thinks I'm a good writer!! She thinks so highly of me! I'm flattered! When someone I think highly of, thinks highly of me, I'm so touched. She also once told me that she couldn't believe the idea of me being bad at something???? I'm ogled! Anyway, this morning, she tasked me with helping her do the register, I'm doing mob work, this is like in Goodfellas when Henry started working at the Cabstand. 

I ate dinner after writing the headlines and now I can't remember what I wanted to say in some of them, I think this one was about how I clicked on a link that someone sent on my class group and it interested me and then I almost got invited to this big party that I didn't want to go to. Like in Business class everyone was sneaking on their phones to try to get tickets to this thing. I don't want to be all Daria coded but I seriously don't care for it. If my science teacher, my best friend or my lawyer cousin or mothster isn't there, then I won't go and none of those people would attend this, my science teacher is a busy woman, my best friend doesn't like parties, my cousin has anxiety and I'd trap myself in an endless loop with mothster, I'd only go if she goes and she'd only go if I go but I'd only go if she goes but she'd only go if I go...also, I clicked on it and immediately exited, I thought someone sent MALWARE on the group. I can't get malware, my contract won't give me another phone yet if I do. 

Guys, I think I might be goated, I might be a genius. I was in math class and I suddenly understood this chapter that I've been struggling with and I was like "I GET IT" I was so happy and that was a massive weight off my shoulders, I was worried about learning that topic before the exams but it all makes sense now, I'm officially having the academic comeback! Also IQ is a scam, don't believe it! Even Seinfeld claims that IQ is a scam. Yeah, what a reliable source of information which will certainly cover this massive claim that I just made and did nothing to prove. 

It's an art day, puppets... I hated it, my project consisting of.... 1 album cover, 1 poster advertising that album, 1 poster advertising the event, 2 merchandise items and a poster advertising the merchandise all due next week! It's joever dude... but remember, I have 198 IQ! I got this fellas! Listen here, come closer...closer...this is top secret, put your ear to the screen...a little closer...actually back up, you won't be able to read my top secret plans. So! I will be tag teaming with mothster to finish my project and then I finish it before the next lesson so then I set up the appointment with my English teacher for my essay and I miss that art lesson and then I hand in the next day, when it's due. I'm a genius! I'm telling you guys! 819 IQ! THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT 981 IQ!!!

Okay, like most of the blog, it's clickbait because I wanted to make a top gear reference so I did not consume nicotine coffee but I drank iced coffee that I bought today after class. Actually my sister bought it, I begged her I was like on my knees screaming, "MOTHSTER PLEASE" and she was sympathetic so she gave in and bought us iced coffee, its this canned, store bought one but I saw the logo of the Cafe that serves my favorite coffee. That was the Cafe where I had my first cup of coffee that I really enjoyed so it's something special but that iced coffee was way too strong. I'm not kidding, mothster opened hers when we got home and I started smelling smoke. The coffee gave me smokers breath! Coffee breath is already bad but now, smokers breath! That's too far! What a disappointment, it even tasted too strong and i like my coffee strong, I appreciate a bitterness but this was too much. How disappointing! I gotta get some real coffee from that Cafe some time! I give it a solid 1/10, I'm not mad, just disappointed. This is the Incredibles 2 of coffee, the Incredibles is one of my favorite movies ever and the 2nd movie was just disappointing like this coffee.

Quote of the day!! Oh boy! This one has to do with race! Kind of!

"that the face itself is not proof of its situation" - Divya Victor 

She's a poet and I read one of her poems this morning, they're very good, very lengthy but the way she uses repetition and how she uses the format of poetry is beautiful. Highly recommend any of her works. I forgot which one this comes from but I remember the context was that someone asked her "okay, but where are you really from?" Which is obviously racist and she's saying how someone looks is not indicative of where they come from, if only I could remember the poem, it's so good! Wait, I have it open in a chrome tab, silly me! It's called Profile : Passing attempt 2. Great poem.

ON THAT BOMBSHELL! Thank you for reading and good night! 

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