you get fallout the game the video game !!!!! and then you wait im tpying to well my hands are too cold to type bad .............. odlk lets go uh buy falliut nrewvegas!!! :3or falout 3 4 76(eh) 2 1 one fo them nthne you quest!!!! you mamke ur charactrer quest time!!! ayy do main weust run away from evil deathclaw » Continue Reading
OKAT READY??? oaky step 1 find the palce whre you wanna blow up think veyr carefully about this wait. hold on. FIRS decide waht atype of bllow up you emna likea ctual explosion!!??? or internet blowing up!??? we shall do BOTH!!! ok first actul explosion step 1 Don't. That isn't very silly of you. NWOW in5teretn! first find the he place where you w » Continue Reading
you cant lie on the internet trust me im not lying to you anywas so basically pretend ur telling the TRURTH but ur not ut LYING yay u can now lie on the interntetetetet i lied at the start using my knoweldge ur welcome » Continue Reading
OK SO FISTLYf whatz do you wants to do> is it grill a cake? bake a steak??? simpy,deceide hwaat u ewish to do nOw that u have tahT! poidner it. Hthink about it ask it how it feeels if it respons kill it it shouldnt if it doesnt yay now u have pondered it and tohught about it you have a goal coNGARTULATIONSW!!!!!!!!! im not sure any of this is legibile and that is very funny » Continue Reading
HELLO I AM HERE TO GIVE U TUROTIRAL ON HOW TO MALL you may be wodnering what is all? howdo i do it? mall is big shopping complex with ties back to the golden age of the us(USA/American/America/Fuck knows what) economy 1957 or some shit yeah NOW how do you do it??? SIMPLE firtsly approach cautisouly it is filled with the souls of the damned and NORMAL PEOLE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA » Continue Reading
step 1 fijnd scchool make sure its a school not a prison(common mistake) after confirming is school yes im currently writing this blindly hold on uh so firstly after finding school ur gonna wana go into the office and eat their pens nomnomnomnomnom hess wtf is posting accounting siht uh after consuming their pens youre gonna now sign up for schooling and then go find » Continue Reading
How to radio step step yes!!! firstly acquire radio is expensive tutorial on how to moneys soon (or steals) yes hhh now give it POWER summon the power of ZEUS and KILL HIM TAKE HIS POWER STEAL now zappy the radio give it power now turn on the volume volume volume upppppp 100 now go to channel 10 » Continue Reading
okay firstly you gotta get really really high on FISH not weed fish thats right fish! now after youre high on fish fish fishies go outside wlak towards the forst now summon a flashlight(Tutorial on how to summon soon) shine it at the trees watch the trees soon the ghost of former us president jef F. jennedy will apear on your ri » Continue Reading
so ifujhrst fijnd the person yo wanna oromance right now go to a stor yes hats right a soter!!! . sore store so what u wanna do ther is find a candy that costs 6.$ tes yes now you wanna go find that person » Continue Reading
first find your tv look at it ask it a question if it answers? kill it. if it doesnt? YAY!!!! its not sentient:3 now find ur remotes beep boop point it at the tv press the power button now go to channel 18./ watch it watch the show watch thes how watch it :3 cngrats u have done it u have watched televisionn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!! » Continue Reading
first approach the stairs ask them how they are what their name is where they come from if they dont respond they are cool if they do respond good idea to run away now if they dont respond first bring 1 foot up move it forwards until it is above a step put it down now bring your lower foot up move it forwards until it is above the next step put it down repeat this process » Continue Reading