I am a girl. kind of. A girl who wants to be a boy. sort of. a girl, who is a boy. Who is boy ish. a girl who is kind of not a boy, who kind of is and isn't a girl. A boy who is girlish. A person who is a girl, who is in a way a boy, who is kinda a girl. i am a boy, who wants to be a girl, who wants to be a boy. Someone who is unbothered by their current state but would not mind exchanging it. i... » Continue Reading
soooo...yah. He is gonna go out and meet people. IRL. Doing art. In an art group thing. I hope it goes well. I tried to talk myself out of going this morning, but i convinced myself to again. I dunno why. Thinking that it's a big deal. It is a big deal, for me. I mean, it doesn't rlly matter that much. It's just an art group where people do art and just talk and stuff. I am not good at the ... » Continue Reading
i ate ice cream today. so nice. And then i went to mall. it was nice. contemplated on walking around for longer or giving up and going home. i walked, despite lightheadedness. probably had a seizure or smth once or twice idk. i was spacing out a lot. --------------------> Stuff I got, from today's going on a trip: i bought a pouch with psy on it, if that's anything. the gangnam style man. anot... » Continue Reading
I really should take a break from everything it kinda sucks though. I had a dream the other day. Dreams don't mean anything. They mean nothing but damn, i really saw a part of myself there, didn't i? i know it's not like I'm gonna do that dreams aren't real they stay dreams and you wake up. I really should just take a break. I'm telling myself this for the hundredth time, probably. I should j... » Continue Reading
it's late, but I'm not that sleepy i wanna do stuff tomorrow excited, i guess to do things tomorrow 'cause i was decorating photos just now and i wanna continue decorating photos (didn't finish decorating the photos) and thus, my mind is still in "i am doing things" mode i got this really cute photo album recently it has this thing on the cover, like a reflecti » Continue Reading
I hate tomatoes. But only in certain circumstances. Tomato soup is a favourite of mine. i made tomato soup just now. It's actually leftover soup, but i blended it up and heated it up again. The garlic taste was so strong it burnt my throat. idk if i ever mentioned it, but i talk (somewhat) more regularly about food in my tumblr blog @lim-but-i-try Sometimes i forget how fun food blogging is I h... » Continue Reading
I don't really know how to word it. Recently I've been having more and more vivid dreams. Again, nightmares are a normal occurrence, I don't mind it that much. I'm just afraid, yknow ? That again those dreams slowly start to stop feeling like dreams. And I won't be able to tell what I'm doing anymore. And I'll do something really stupid again. And it'll all start over again. I've always strugg... » Continue Reading
Gonna try start doing things again. That I actually enjoy doing. I used to bake a lot. I hated every second of it. But I kept on baking, every other day, like a stupid dumb dumb idiot. Because it was the only thing, really, that I was able to do well. Now I'm realising that I don't really give a fuck anymore, o » Continue Reading
Ex and Bee: Nightfalls Coven released 1st ep on YT recently!! Veey excited 2 listen 2 the whole thing, I put it in my watch later list :] I really like the character designs from what I've seen in the YT short/teasers, and there are also VAs that have worked in obey me, like Kada Satoshi (Leviathan's VA) I really really want this thing to take off, because the concept is very interesting ^^ i li... » Continue Reading
if you saw prev blog nu uh no you didn't AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I swear I'm not insane I often forget to set to diary for blogs but like WHY THAT ONE WHY COULDN'T IT BE ANY OTHER ONE iBWOANSIWKAKSOWKABZUWJSBDJWJSBSOWJJWBZJX WHY WHY WHY okay anyway I'm going to dig a grave for myself bye bye (not literally) » Continue Reading
i feel like such a loser for not being able to just...eat. I mean, there's food and all, but recently my family's been eating stuff that I don't like eating and it's literally everywhere. Not everywhere literally, but like it's in all the main food places. And the thing is, I do not think they understand my very genuine revulsion with some foods. Like, it's something I'm really sensitive with. Th... » Continue Reading
Warning, maybe(?) Honestly idrk if it needs one. Current Sketch Draft Thing, Basically just mapping out a general idea of what I want to make: I am very excited 2 do this art contest ^^ I will try my best !!! For this I'm plannin » Continue Reading